Group 1 Myrlaine Cantave Reyna Hernandez Erika Laverde Linda Tanelus Summary Findings – ServiceStat data shows an overall satisfactory performance by departments during However, most departments exhibit difficulties in delivering services for specific calls in an efficient and timely manner Recommendations –In order to improve service delivery, it is recommended for ServiceStat to: - Coordinate with departments to establish a Percentage Completion Goal - Coordinate with departments to establish a Set Response Time Once internal coordination has been achieved: - Identify service call requests with lowest performance among departments, and use Focus Groups to monitor department service delivery improvement and customer satisfaction.
Methodology ServiceStat data was sorted by department’s core services Departmental goals and performance indicators were identified from FY Proposed Resource Allocation and Multi-Year Capital Plan Performance Reports were created for each department Findings were based on historical data analysis Recommendations were developed to improve service delivery and contribute to the achievement of departmental goals
Monthly Report Report on Services Requested & Delivered August 2007 Figure 1. Total No. of Calls Received Figure 2. Percentage of Calls Open and Closed Figure 3. Percentage of calls open and closed by department/program Finding: Team Metro, Solid Waste Management, and Public Works are the departments with the highest volume of service request calls received
Public Works Department Performance Report August Status of Service Delivery As of August 31, 2007 HIGHLIGHTS Total No. of Calls ReceivedMTD – 3,488 YTD – 45,224 % of Calls Closed MTD – 83%YTD – 87% PERFORMANCE INDICATORS % of mosquito complaints responded w/in 48 hours during rainy season GOAL – 95% MTD – 100% YTD – 100%Goal Exceeded % Pothole patching requests responded w/in 1 day GOAL – 100%MTD – 97%YTD - 98%Goal Unmet TREND: Services requested during 2007 report a steady increase until June, when a significant drop in services related to Road Maintenance was evidenced. Mosquito Control service requests increased dramatically in June (rainy season) and Landscape Maintenance service request increased in July (hurricane season). RESPONSIVENESS -VOLUME Total number of Service Requests with 50% or more calls unattended 22 Of the above, service request with highest unattended calls Traffic Sign Street Name Missing/ Down/Damage RESPONSIVENESS-TIME Average Closing Time 4 days Longest Closing Time 25.5 days
Public Works Department Findings & Recommendations Recommendation: Coordinate with department to establish a Percentage of Completion Goal Finding: Road Maintenance services exhibit the requests with the lowest level of responsiveness among Public Works core services The development and implementation of a Percentage of Completion Goal would: Improve Service Delivery in Volume and Response Time Contribute to the achievement of departmental goals proposed in the Resource Allocation and Multi Year Capital Plan. Increase client reliability on services
Solid Waste Department Performance Report August Status of Service Delivery As of August 31, 2007 HIGHLIGHTS Total No. of Calls ReceivedMTD – 6,525 YTD – 37,723 % of Calls Closed MTD – 97%YTD – 98% PERFORMANCE INDICATOR Bulky Waste Response Time GOAL FY days MTD–8.6 YTD–10 daysGoal Unmet TREND: There was a spike in bulky trash request from April to May. RESPONSIVENESS -VOLUME Total number of Service Requests with 50% or more calls unattended 3 Of the above, service request with highest unattended calls Solid Waste Service Questions RESPONSIVENESS-TIME Average Closing Time 15.2 days Longest Closing Time 28.8 days 1
Solid Waste Department Findings & Recommendations Finding: Department is not closing solid waste service questions at the end of the month. Recommendation: Establish percentage of completion goal Service Questions YTDNumber YTD Calls16 Closed4
Water & Sewer Department Performance Report August HIGHLIGHTS Total No. of Calls ReceivedMTD – 620 YTD – 3,599 % of Calls Closed MTD – 17%YTD – 74% PERFORMANCE INDICATORS Percent of all non-emergency requests/calls dispatched within 3 business days GOAL – 85% MTD – 61% YTD – 34%Goal Unmet TREND: Services requested for Water & Sewer, conveys a very slow increase until May, where a significant increase in services related to Water Production and Distribution was experienced. After May, there was a significant drop in Water Production & Distribution. On the other hand, Wastewater Collection and Treatment service requests increased dramatically in May until August which could be attributed to onset of rain. Status of Service Delivery As of August 31, 2007 RESPONSIVENESS -VOLUME Total number of Service Requests with 50% or more calls unattended 3 Of the above, service request with highest unattended calls Het Rebate Program – Wasd RESPONSIVENES-TIME Average Closing Time3 days Longest Closing Time18.9 days
Water & Sewer Department Findings & Recommendations The department is not meeting its Performance indicator because it is closing Certain request not within their 3 days Goal. Finding: Wastewater Collection and Treatment exhibit the requests with the lowest level of responsiveness among Water & Sewer core services. Recommendation: Department should establish a certain percentage goal for the closed call completion By implementing a realistic number of days to attend non-emergency calls and implementing a percentage of completion goal the department: Improve Service Delivery increase client reliability on services Contribute to the achievement of departmental goals proposed in the Resource Allocation and Multi Year Capital Plan Calls not resolved on the first call may require research by the service representatives therefore; Diminish # of customers whose inquiries were not answered w/in a few days to call back. When customers call back, it increases call volume, inflate # of calls not resolved on first call, and may lead to multiple entries in the computer system for the same problem. HET Rebate Program is falling far short of its goal, achieving only 30% rate in closed calls in May and ending the month of August with a 8% closing rate. The format of the program may have contributed to the cases closed.
Housing Finance Authority Department Performance Report August HIGHLIGHTS Total No. of Calls ReceivedMTD – 3 YTD – 17 % of Calls Closed MTD – 0%YTD – 12.5% PERFORMANCE INDICATORS No Performance Indicator found for this service/department within the FY Resource Allocation and Multi-Year Capital Plan TREND: There was Services requested for Housing Finance Authority during 2007 report an unstable request. Status of Service Delivery As of August 31, 2007 RESPONSIVENESS -VOLUME Total number of Service Requests with 50% or more calls unattended 1 Of the above, service request with highest unattended calls Encompass bond financing for single & multi-family housing RESPONSIVENESS-TIME Average Closing Time0.11 days Longest Closing Time 0 days
Housing Finance Authority Department Findings & Recommendations Finding: After April, the department has not closed the only service request received through Recommendation: The department should establish a completion goal for delivery services.
3-1-1 Illegal Dumping Initiative Performance Report August HIGHLIGHTS Total No. of Calls ReceivedMTD –484 YTD – 4,806 % of Calls Closed MTD –57%YTD – 90% PERFORMANCE INDICATORS No Performance Indicator found for this service/department within the FY Resource Allocation and Multi-Year Capital Plan TREND: Overall, the services requested for Illegal Dumping during 2007 report stable request with the exception for the month of August. Status of Service Delivery As of August 31, 2007 RESPONSIVENESS-VOLUME Total number of Service Requests with 50% or more calls unattended 1 Of the above, service request with highest unattended calls 311 illegal dumping initiative RESPONSIVENESS-TIME Average Closing Time9.8 days Longest Closing Time 9.8 days
3-1-1 Illegal Dumping Initiative Findings & Recommendations Finding: 311 Illegal Dumping Initiative has not closed their cases after June. After June, there was an increase in requests, which may be attributed the school year ending. In addition, there was a significant drop in August. Recommendation: The department should establish completion goals for the department for delivery of core services.
Animal Services Department Performance Report August HIGHLIGHTS Total No. of Calls ReceivedMTD – 2,520 YTD – 28,890 % of Calls Closed MTD – 97%YTD – 87% PERFORMANCE INDICATORS Number of free spay and neuters GOAL FY ,000 MTD- 52 YTD- 4,621 TREND: There has been a downward trend in the number of service requests. The core service of licensing has been pretty steady. There was a significant drop in the category of protecting from July to August. Status of Service Delivery As of August 31, 2007 RESPONSIVENESS -VOLUME Total number of Service Requests with 50% or more calls unattended 4 Of the above, service request with highest unattended calls Spay and Neuter RESPONSIVENESS-TIME Average Closing Time2.4 days Longest Closing Time6.6 days
Animal Services Department Findings & Recommendations Recommendation: Establish percentage of completion goal Finding: Department has shown a low level of responsiveness in Spay or Neuter requests during 2007
Team Metro Department Performance Report August Status of Service Delivery As of August 31, 2007 HIGHLIGHTS Total No. of Calls ReceivedMTD – 7,024 YTD – 69,978 % of Calls Closed MTD – 73%YTD – 90% Performance Indicators: Minimum No. of days from opening of minimum housing enforcement to 1 st inspection GOAL FY daysMTD – 6 days YTD – 24 days Unmet Goal TREND: Services requested during 2007 conveys variation of outreach service calls, however, in April, there was a drop in service requests that may be attributed to the onset of the rainy season. Compliance service requests increased dramatically in May(summer season) and experienced a drop in the month of August. RESPONSIVENESS -VOLUME Total number of Service Requests with 50% or more calls unattended 19 Of the above, service request with highest unattended calls Public Works (Road Signal Signs Other) RESPONSIVENESS-TIME Average Closing Time 6.24 days Longest Closing Time 37.4 days 1
Team Metro Department Findings & Recommendations Figure 1: Conveys the highest average day vs. closed out calls for each month. Figure 2: The goal established in the FY’06-07 budget for closing of calls, after 1 st inspection. Recommendation: Establish a set response period that will alleviate the large number of unattended calls and decrease average days of closed calls. Finding: Calls are being successfully closed, however, the response times dedicated to these calls are too long, when compared to the percentage of calls closed. Service AreasMonthResponse Days% Closed Minimum Housing Condemnation January145100% Fire Rescue Services Outreach February181100% County School Board March142100% Resolution Violations April7675% OtherMay83397% Junk Trash Overgrowth June47686% Signals on the Road July22787% Vehicle Advertising Violation August %
Emergency Management Department Performance Report August HIGHLIGHTS Total No. of Calls ReceivedMTD – 14 YTD – 70 % of Calls Closed MTD – 100%YTD – 100% PERFORMANCE INDICATORS No Performance Indicator found for this service/department within the FY Resource Allocation and Multi-Year Capital Plan TREND: Services requested for Emergency Management showed a steady increase in service request until June. In June, the department experienced a significant increase in service requests by 50% related to hurricane pet emergency (hurricane season) Status of Service Delivery As of August 31, 2007 RESPONSIVENESS -VOLUME Total number of Service Requests with 50% or more calls unattended 0 Of the above, service request with highest unattended calls 0 RESPONSIVENESS-TIME Average Closing Time 0 days Longest Closing Time 0 days
Emergency Management Department Findings & Recommendations Finding: The department has successfully completed all its calls within a response time. An increase in pet friendly registration increased after February. There was a peak in the month of June, which can be attributed to the beginning of hurricane season. Recommendation: Department should implement performance indicators for this service Pet Friendly Registration is performing at an excellent level and closing each month with a 100%. Pet Friendly Registration is over performing because with the exception of February where no requests were made, from January to August the department has been closing the month with a 100%.