E-CRIME Ian Johnston CBE QPM DL Chief Constable British Transport Police Chair of ACPO Crime
Introduction Introduction What is it What is it Why is it a challenge Why is it a challenge What we need to do about it What we need to do about it
ACPO definition ACPO definition ‘The use of networked computers, telephony or internet technology to commit or facilitate the commission of crime’
What is it? What is it? A methodology A methodology MP3, PDA, mobile phones MP3, PDA, mobile phones Computer hacking Computer hacking Phishing Phishing Virus attacks Virus attacks Identity fraud Identity fraud
What is it (cont.) What is it (cont.) Facilitation of terrorism, stalking, extortion, people smuggling, rape, murder, pornography distribution Facilitation of terrorism, stalking, extortion, people smuggling, rape, murder, pornography distribution Frustration of police communication interception (VOIP) Frustration of police communication interception (VOIP)
Why is it a problem Why is it a problem Most rapidly expanding form of criminality Most rapidly expanding form of criminality The scope of crime The scope of crime The scale of crime The scale of crime Continuing exponential growth in technology Continuing exponential growth in technology Lack of technical knowledge Lack of technical knowledge Lack of ability to grow that knowledge Lack of ability to grow that knowledge Practicalities of identifying the evidence trail Practicalities of identifying the evidence trail
Why is it a problem (cont.) Global Global Lack of political salience Lack of political salience Police structures, processes and policies Police structures, processes and policies Potential public outcry Potential public outcry UK seen as soft target UK seen as soft target
Why is it a problem (cont.) No intelligence overview No intelligence overview No national coordination No national coordination No holistic response No holistic response Vulnerability of CNI and government bodies to attack Vulnerability of CNI and government bodies to attack A methodology for new terrorism A methodology for new terrorism Limitation of role / involvement of existing bodies Limitation of role / involvement of existing bodies
Competing priorities Guns and gangs Guns and gangs Anti social behaviour Anti social behaviour Violence Violence National Police Performance Framework National Police Performance Framework
What needs to be done Raise public awareness Raise public awareness Raise political interest Raise political interest Build international appetite Build international appetite Harness industry support Harness industry support Enlighten the CJ system Enlighten the CJ system Refocus policing effort Refocus policing effort
What are we doing Meetings with Ministers and key political figures Meetings with Ministers and key political figures Lobbying for industry support Lobbying for industry support Setting up a new ACPO portfolio Setting up a new ACPO portfolio Build a police E-Crime Unit Build a police E-Crime Unit