Alternatives to Modern Farming GMOs, Integrated Pest Management
AP ? Of the Day The genetically engineered golden rice has been developed to do which of the following? A. Resist the harm caused by frost B. Provide vitamin A C. Resist pests D. Have long-lasting freshness E. Produce more seeds
AP ? Of the Day The genetically engineered golden rice has been developed to do which of the following? A. Provide vitamin A Vitamin A deficiency (VAD) is prevalent among the poor whose diets are based mainly on rice or other carbohydrate-rich, micronutrient-poor calory sources. VAD compromises the immune systems of approximately 40 percent of children under five in the developing world, greatly increasing the severeness of common childhood infections, often leading to deadly outcomes.
Today… Finish Food, Inc. Set up Soil Lab GMO debate
Food Inc. and Counterpoints… What do you think about Food Inc. so far? Posted on the website, a Ted Talk arguing that Wonderbread style of eating has a place in our society.
Finish Food, Inc
Soil Lab Follow directions for Part I of the soil lab with your group.
Selective Breeding vs. Genetic Modification Actual breeding of organisms Selecting of favored traits Same species Genes from an organism with a desired trait are harvested and spliced into the DNA of an existing organism (sometimes the same one). Can be cross species
5 Minute Brainstorm As a group, come up with a pros and cons list for GMO’s. Be prepared to share with the class!
GMO’s Pros Feed more people with less energy Foods stay fresh longer (transportation) Extreme weather tolerant (prevents devastating loss for farmers) Adding nutrients (golden rice) Pest resistance, less fertilizer, less water Cons Unknown effects on human health Pests and weeds could build up resistance, resulting in stronger pesticide/herbicide Destruction of non-modified crops Unknowns of new technology Patents, economic/corporate misuse
Frankenfoods? The debate on GMO’s… GMO’s. What do you think? Ted Talk Frankenfood Case Study (Pick any 5 questions to answer). Turn into folder when completed.