Office of Consulting and Project Management Major Initiatives
Division of Financial Systems Division of Human Services Systems Division of Transportation Systems Division of Workforce Development and General Govt. Division of Centers of Expertise Division of Project Office and Integration Office of Consulting and Project Management
Management Systems Branch Revenue Systems Branch FINANCIAL SYSTEMS
New Payroll and Personnel System New Statewide Employee Self Service System MARS MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS BRANCH
IPPS (Integrated Payroll and Personnel System) replaces UPPS (Uniform Payroll/Personnel System) which was installed in Status of IPPS: -SAS contract issued to PWC in 2000 for: > user requirements > analyzing COTS systems > cost benefit analysis -Projected costs of $40+ million -Funding decision of project remains key issue MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS BRANCH
New Statewide Employee Self Service System (ESS) –ESS is initiative of Personnel Cabinet –Developed by contractor (IDMS) –Environment: Web based iClick Java Oracle & SQL Server MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS BRANCH
New Statewide Employee Self Service System (ESS) –Application provides general personnel information (salary/benefits/insurance/etc) –GOT project management role will be modeled similar to MARS –ESS status: piloting by GOT and Personnel Cabinet statewide rollout targeted for June 2001 implement health insurance open enrollment in fall of 2002 MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS BRANCH
MARS –Environment –Lessons Learned MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS BRANCH
MARS Environment NT Servers (29) –7 PD Training Servers –5 PD Production Web Servers –2 Seagate APS Servers –4 Seagate Info Servers –11 other assorted servers (UAT, BRASS Budget Forecasting, CBT Web Training, Advantage Workflow, ClauseToHTML/Batch Routing, Software Distribution) MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS BRANCH
MARS Environment UNIX (AIX) Servers (6) –2 IBM S80 (PD and MRDB databases) –4 IBM SP2 Nodes (Development, PD Catalog, BRASS, Seagate databases) OS/390 Mainframe –Advantage (CICS/DB2) MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS BRANCH
MARS Lessons Learned –Client-server environment - hard to identify and debug problems –Integration between mainframe and client-server (NT/AIX) environments is challenging –Hardware/software support for client-server (NT/AIX) environments is resource intensive and expensive –Modifications to COTS systems are expensive and resource dependent MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS BRANCH
Eligibility Systems Branch Protective Services System Branch Child Support Systems Branch Health Services Systems Branch HUMAN SERVICES SYSTEMS
Transportation Systems Branch Motor Vehicle Systems Branch Licensing Systems Branch TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS
Education and Employment Systems Branch General Government Systems Branch WORK FORCE DEVELOPMENT & GENERAL GOVERNMENT
Database Administration Web Development Data Warehouse Development CENTERS OF EXPERTISE
Strategic Alliance Procurements Project Management Skills Management Unified Criminal Justice Information System PROJECT OFFICE AND INTEGRATION