CSCI 101 Rouda’s Sections
Application Software Microsoft Word Photoshop Business Software Inventory and Shipping control Financial Analysis Embedded Software cellphone, iPod, car engine Games
© 2009 Prentice-Hall, Inc. 3
Source Code Machine Code Compiler Development Environment Algorithm: ◦ set of steps that describe what the program must do Programming (a.k.a. coding): ◦ turning an algorithm into a language the computer can understand Algorithm Program
© 2009 Prentice-Hall, Inc. 5 PROGRAM GOAL: To compute the total pay for a fixed number of hours worked at a parking garage. INPUTS: Number of Hours Worked a positive number OUTPUTS: Total Pay Earned a positive number PROCESS: The Total Pay Earned is computed as $7.32 per hour for the first eight hours worked each day. Any hours worked beyond the first eight are billed at $11.73 per hour. ERROR HANDLING: The input Number of Hours Worked must be a positive real number. If it is a negative number or other nonacceptable character, the program will force the user to reenter the information. TESTING PLAN:INPUTOUTPUTNOTES 88*7.32Testing positive input 33*7.32Testing positive input 128* *11.73Testing overtime input –6–6 Error message/ask user to reenter value Handling error
© 2009 Prentice-Hall, Inc. 6
Either figure regular pay or pay with overtime main_function { real hours_worked, pay; write "Input the hours worked"; read hours_worked; if (hours_worked <= 8.0) pay = hours_worked * 7.32 else pay = 8 * 7.32; pay = pay + (hours_worked-8)*11.73; endif; write "Total Pay = ", pay; } Allocate Space in Memory for two Variables Interact with the User Test the User's Input Output Answer What happens when negative Hours Worked is entered?
IDE - Integrated Development Environment Testing Tools Project Management Tools Bug Trackers Change Management Tools Etc.
Graphics Artificial Intelligence Human Interface Design Networking and Computer Security Web Application Design Database Analysis Development QA Project Management
Current Job Market? "software engineer" tops the Money Magazine Best Jobs list software development in U.S. is a $150Billion business Who hires CS graduates? Any company that owns a computer. How much do CS graduates make? starting salary = $45K to $60K average software engineer = $85K to $150K
Continued Movement to the Web Delivering Home and Mobile Entertainment Smart Home Integration, etc… Free Stuff. Devices Multi-media / intelligent / interconnected Mobile apps Glass Unknown Integration of devices