C N H | K E Y C L U B | Updated by: Member Relations Committee 2013-2014 California-Nevada-Hawaii District | Key Club International August 2013 Presented.


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C N H | K E Y C L U B | Updated by: Member Relations Committee California-Nevada-Hawaii District | Key Club International August 2013 Presented by: CNH PUBLIC SPEAKING

Training Topic: Public Speaking CNH Key Club District | Key Club International CNH | APPEARANCE Dress Up- Appropriate attire for appropriate audiences Confidence- Showing good posture First Impressions- Entering the room, greeting audience Smile!

Training Topic: Public Speaking CNH Key Club District | Key Club International CNH | No ‘pee-pee’ dance- You may be nervous but once you start to dance you’re making other nervous Magnetic Wall- You are not attracted to the back wall, move around Watch the time- Don’t go over or under *Hand gestures- Can be good for expression, but may be distracting [triangle hands] BEEHAVIOR

Training Topic: Public Speaking CNH Key Club District | Key Club International CNH | Engage the audience- Talk TO them, not AT them Eye contact- don’t have a staring contest, but take a look at those lovely eyes in the audience Interactive-bring up volunteers, ask audience questions, make it FUN World is your stage- utilize the space that you are given

Training Topic: Public Speaking CNH Key Club District | Key Club International CNH | Project! - If the front row can’t hear you, then the back row is sleeping Vocal inflection - Monotony is NOT the answer [brown bear] *Enunciate - Speak clearly so information is not misunderstood; don’t trail off [pencil trick, tongue twisters] Speed - Not too fast, not too slow, but just right VOICE

Training Topic: Public Speaking CNH Key Club District | Key Club International CNH | Repeating KEY points! - More likely to remember Professional language No fillers - ‘um,’ ‘err,’ ‘uh,’ ‘okay,’ ‘like’ Stutter - Practice! [James Earl Jones] CONTENT

Training Topic: Public Speaking CNH Key Club District | Key Club International CNH | Repeat back the question- For clarification Take your time- Gather your thoughts Be honest- Don’t know? It’s OKAY. Never say ‘I don’t know, next.’ Be respectful and helpful, ‘I am not sure, however, I’ll get back to you.’ Q & A

Training Topic: Public Speaking CNH Key Club District | Key Club International CNH | PRACTICE

Training Topic: Public Speaking CNH Key Club District | Key Club International CNH | QUESTIONS?COMMENTS?CONCERNS?