Atmosphere-Weather Earth Science Ch. 11
Temperature vs. Heat Temperature-measures how rapidly molecules are moving Heat-transfer of energy Flow is from hotter to colder
Temperature scales-fig.11-7
Converting degrees F = (C x 1.8) + 32 C = 5/9 (F-32) 75-32=44x5/9= 24 C
Dew Point Temp at which air must be cooled to reach saturation. No dew or rain or snow til this temp occurs
Wind HowStuffWorks Videos "Basics of Geology: Wind“ HowStuffWorks Videos "Basics of Geology: Wind“ p?terms=wind+energ y&gallery=1&media=v ideo p?terms=wind+energ y&gallery=1&media=v ideo
Humidity-water vapor in air Relative humidity= actual amt in air potential amt of moisture it can hold (More on this in geode disk)
Clouds Part 2
How do clouds form? Warm, moist air rises, then it expands and cools. When it reaches its dew point, the water vapor condenses on condensation nuclei. Ex. dust, smoke particles, sea salt Millions collect, and clouds form
4 ways air rises...
Weather _amp
Orographic Lifting
Convergence of air
Frontal wedging
In summary, 4 ways air rises
Types of Clouds (table 11-3) Classified by altitude and shape Cirro-highcirrus-hair Alto-middlecumulus-puffy Strato-lowstratus-layer nimbus-rainy
General Info Cirrus clouds made of ice crystals Fog is lowest form of clouds Coalescence-cloud droplets colliding They get big enough, and rain droplets form
Precipitation Rain, snow, sleet, hail rime-ice that forms when water droplets freeze
Assessment 1. Describe the 4 ways air can rise. 2. Describe how the water cycle works. 3. Know how to identify cloud types. 4. What are dew point and humidity?
References Most information was taken from Glencoe and McGraw-Hill’s Earth Science textbook ge068.jpg ge068.jpg ge.jpg ge.jpg