The sadness is the absence of happiness. It’s a hole in the heart difficult to fill. Sadness is when you want to cry and sometimes do not know why. Sadness
We are sad when we lose a person we love
We get angry because we don´t think the same as other people but we think that we are right. Sometimes when we are angry we can harm others and ourselves. Get annoyed
We get angry when we disagree with others.
Fear is the feeling that creates our unconsciousness when it wants to protect us and to abandon. Often the best thing we can do is overcome our fears. Fear
We are afraid when we fail or lose someone who is important to us
The happinesss is the state in which our mind and our body are in harmony. We are happy when we don´t have negative feelings. Happiness
We are happy when we are with people who make us happy.
The surprise is the emotion that we feel when something happens in our life that we did not expect. Surprise
We are surprised when something happens that we don´t expect, for example when somebody prepares a party for us.
It is a state we feel anxious when we’re afraid to lose someone/something or we believe that we don´t have something that we want. Jealousy
We are jelous when the person that we want ignore us.
These are some emotions of the world, but there are more…. By :Ana Isabel Sánchez Alcázar