Welcome to State of Michigan Central Finance Travel Requisition Approval Tutorial Brought to you by the Office of Financial Management
Approval Window The Central Finance (Statewide) Approval Window is used to: Approve/Modify Advance Requests Approve/Modify Expense Reimbursement Requests Travel Requisition Requests For approving Advance requests, please see the Central Finance Advance Approval and Modification Tutorial Central Finance Expense Approval and Modification Tutorial This tutorial will focus on approving and modifying Travel Requisitions
When approving travel requisition requests, there are three tabs on the Travel Requisition Page. ID Tab Coding Block Tab History Tab Travel Requisition Approval Window Used for additional review of the travel requisition request prior to approval or to change coding during. Used to review general information about the travel requisition request.
Statewide Expense Approval Scenario Suzanne Josef (Central Finance) will final approve Denise Maughan’s travel reimbursement request for an she will be performing in Benton Harbor. Denise has requested approval of estimated expenses of $98.81 for this trip. This tutorial will also show how to approve travel reimbursement requests that do not have advances.
Home Page Central Finance can reach the Approve screen through the Statewide/Approvals menu.
Statewide Approve Page In Select Employee you can choose the Dept, Agency, TKU, Emp Id or Last name as the search criteria.. This will bring up a selection of employee names in the Search Results window that match the criteria you selected, as shown on the next page... Click on ‘Search’.
Click ‘Define filter’. Select Column ‘Tran Type’ Enter Value ‘TREQ’ Note: Select ‘Define filter’ to create a filter on any Column title in the Search Results window. This will further define your search and bring in results based upon your filter criteria. This field defaults to ‘No filter applied’. Click ‘Filter’. Statewide Approve - Search Results
Statewide Approval Page - Search Results Note: Clicking any of the (blue) column titles will bring up an arrow allowing you to sort the column in ascending or descending order. Click View to access the ‘ID’ tab where you can review the expense transaction details prior to approval. You can click the employee name (anywhere in the application) to access general Information about the employee. If you plan on approving more then one item you can select the items you wish to approve by checking this box next to each item. This will create an approval queue of all the select items so you do not need to return to this screen to select each one individually. You can create this before the filter is applied or after the filter is applied.
RETURN Employee General Information Screen
Approve Travel Requisition - ID Tab Note: Error messages can accompany the expense and will be displayed when there are insufficient and/or invalid inputs.(Severity: W = Warning E = Error) Next, click ‘Coding Block’ tab. Note: All the tab fields are in “read only” mode during the approval process. The ‘ID’ tab shows Travel Requisition Request Date. From/To dates, Office/Program, Destination, Transportation, Estimated Expenses, Nature of Business, and if the Travel Requisitions were for Out of state travel. Related Expense and Advance fields are displayed with document links, if an Expense/Advance is associated with Travel Requisition.
Review Travel Requisition - Coding Block Tab Default Standard Travel Requisition Coding Block is indicated by a check mark in the Std field. Click ‘ID’ tab to complete the approval.
Approve Travel Requisition - ID Tab cont’d ‘Print’: Opens the printable requisition. ‘Approve with Comments’: Allows the user to add comments to the approval action. After successful approval you are taken to the next item in the approval queue if defined previously. ‘Approve- Next’: queues the Requisition to the next step in the approval path. After successful approval you are taken to the next item in the approval queue if defined previously. ‘Skip’: allows you to review the requisitions at another time. After skip you are taken to the next item in the approval queue if defined previously. ‘Approve’: Queues the Requsition to the next step in the approval path and returns you to the Manager- >Approval screen.. ‘Modify’: Used to modify data in the Travel Requisition. This will create a new version of the request. After new version is submitted user can approve. ‘Reject’: Rejects the Advance and displays comments entry box (Comments required). After successful rejection you are taken to the next item in the approval queue if defined previously.
Approve Travel Requisition - ID Tab cont’d Click preferred Action.
Review Travel Requisition - History Tab The ‘History’ tab shows the actions associated with the Travel Requisition. Previous Page will return you to the Statewide Approve Screen. Version shows the number of times the Travel Requisition was modified after being submitted the first time. Action Code shows the action that was done. Click title for list of values. Comments will show additional information about the action. Action Taken By is the userid that performed the listed action. Action Date is the date the listed action was done. Note: Status: Approvals Complete indicates that the travel requisition has been fully approved. Note: The Action Code changes to AFFW when approved by Central Finance.
Note: Once you approve a travel requisition, it clears off your Statewide/Approve Search Results listing as shown below. If you need to view it later, you can access it via the Statewide/Non-Routine Travel Requisitions menu. Note: You can always access employee travel requisitions via your Statewide/Non- Routine Travel Requisitions menu. The Non-Travel Requisitions Select Employee section will be slightly different than the Approve Select Employee Section. The filters will be different. Employee Travel Requisitions are viewable by Central Finance (via the Statewide/Non- Routine Travel Requisitions menu) immediately after the employee saves them and remain as viewable records as they process. In fact, Travel Requisitions requests remain viewable/accessible until purged. Statewide Approve Screen After Approval
Where To Get Help Users with questions or needing help should call the OFM Help Desk at: (not local) At the welcome message press “8” then press “3” for HRMN Payroll/DCDS/Time & Expense. We would like to hear from you! Please click the button to provide your comments or suggestions about this tutorial.
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