Manifest Destiny “It is our manifest destiny to overspread the continent allotted by Providence for the free development of our yearly multiplying millions.” ~ John Louis O’Sullivan ~
Pioneers Squatters Overlanders Oregon and California Native Americans Mormons –Joseph Smith –Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints –Book of Mormon –Brigham Young –Salt Lake City, UT
Texas Tejanos Stephen Austin –1821 – 300 Roman Catholic families –Washington-on-the-Brazos National Colonization Act (1824) –Empresarios –Settlers must Become Mexican citizens Become Roman Catholic Live under Mexican law Fredonia rebels (1826) Mexico reacts (1830) –Limited immigration –Banned slavery –Tariffs –Limited property rights
Texas Independence 1834 – (Antonio Lopez de) Santa Anna becomes dictator –Abolishes property rights –Raises army Convention of 1836 –Texas declares independence –Sam Houston made commander in chief
Texas Independence Gonzales Alamo –William Travis –David Crockett –Jim Bowie Goliad San Jacinto (now Houston) “Remember the Alamo!”
Lone Star Republic US refuses to annex Texas –Northerners block treaty –Jackson recognizes it as an independent nation –Mexico threatens reconquest –Texas makes several treaties Texas and Britain –Foothold in North America to challenge Monroe Doctrine –Source of cotton –Abolitionism
Election of 1844 Democrats –James K. Polk (TN) nominated over Van Buren –Proexpansion –Promises to annex Texas, Oregon, and California Whigs –Henry Clay (not John Tyler) –Flip-flops on expansion Liberty Party Polk wins –“Dark horse” 1845 – Lame duck Tyler annexes Texas with Joint Resolution (does not require 2/3 majority)
Polk as President Lower tariffs Restores independent treasury Oregon –49 th Parallel extended to the Pacific –Britain retains Vancouver Island “54°40’ or fight!” Last of the Jacksonians –“Young Hickory” –“Napoleon of the Stump” Four point plan –Lower tariffs –Restoration of the independent treasury –Acquisition of California –Settlement of the Oregon dispute
Problems with Mexico California –San Francisco –British seeking CA Mexico broke off relations with US after annexation of TX –$3 million owed to US John Slidell –1845 – Offers $25 million for CA and lands east –Mexico refuses to meet with him Texas border dispute –Mexico – Nueces River –TX (and US) – Rio Grande –Polk sends 4,000 troops into disputed territory under Zachary Taylor
War with Mexico Polk ready to declare war –Unpaid debt –Cabinet counsels patience Border skirmish –April 25, 1845 – Mexicans fires on U.S. troops –16 casualties Congress declares war –Wilmot Proviso – (No slavery allowed in lands seized from Mexico)- Did not pass “Mexico has passed the boundary of the United States, has invaded our territory and shed American blood upon the American soil.” ~ Polk’s War Message ~
War with Mexico ZacharyTaylor –Monterrey (1846) –Buena Vista (1847) Santa Anna –Exiled in 1845 –Makes deal with US –Double-crosses US California –John C. Frémont –California Bear Flag Republic (1846) Winfield Scott –1847 – Vera Cruz –Mexico City
War with Mexico Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo (Feb. 2, 1848) –Mexico relinquishes claims on Texas (Rio Grande Border) –Cedes northern half of its territory (Mexican Cession) –U.S. pays $15 million for the land and assumed Mexican debts of $3.25 million 13,000 American lives lost –Only 1,700 in battle “Schoolroom of Civil War” –Robert E. Lee –Ulysses S. Grant –George McClellan –Jefferson Davis “[O]ne of the most unjust ever waged by a stronger against a weaker nation." ~ Ulysses S Grant ~
Gadsden Purchase (1853) United States bought from Mexico parts of what is now southern Arizona and southern New Mexico. Southerners wanted this land in order to build southern transcontinental railroad
James K. Polk In 1844, the Democrats were split The three nominees for the presidential candidate Were Martin Van Buren, a former president and an abolitionist James Buchanan, a moderate Louis Cass, a general and expansionist From Nashville came a dark horse riding up He was James K. Polk, Napoleon of the Stump Austere, severe, he held few people dear His oratory filled his foes with fear The factions soon agreed He's just the man we need To bring about victory Fulfill our manifest destiny And annex the land the Mexicans command And when the votes were cast the winner was Mister James K. Polk, Napoleon of the Stump In four short years he met his every goal He seized the whole southwest from Mexico Made sure the tariffs fell And made the English sell the Oregon territory He built an independent treasury Having done all this he sought no second term But precious few have mourned the passing of Mister James K. Polk, our eleventh president Young Hickory, Napoleon of the Stump