Mr. Lucas Plotnik Culver City High School
A. How has government and politics affected your life? I. Questions
A.How has government and politics affected your life? I. Questions
A.How has government and politics affected your life? I. Questions
A.How has government and politics affected your life? I. Questions
B. Many people especially young people are apathetic about politics. Why?
1.People feel they can not make a difference 2.They believe the system is corrupt 3.They don’t care B. Many people especially young people are apathetic about politics. Why?
4. Because young people pay such little attention to politics they are less likely to be informed, leading the government to be less responsive to their needs.
1.It fosters civic virtues such as tolerance 2.It helps citizens figure out which policies will benefit them. 3.Those who participate in the political process are more likely to benefit from government programs and policies. C. Why is it important that people stay informed?
The formal institutions that make policies or laws on behalf of the people. II. Government
1.Maintain national defense and maintain public order 2.Provide public goods 3.Collect Taxes C. All governments are suppose to do three things D. Linkage Institutions refer to the means in which people interact with their government including expressing their concerns
A.Government actions that are meant to control the behavior of people. B.All three branches of government, as well as bureaucracies, regulatory agencies and the President’s cabinet. Law and Policy are not the same thing! Example: The law sets the speed limit at 65, yet the policy of the police is not to pull you over unless you go over 70. III. Public Policy
A. Howard Laswell: Who get’s what when and how C. Politics
A.Direct- People themselves have a direct say over their lives in terms of public policy. B.Representative or Republic- People freely elect someone to speak on their behalf. IV. Types of Democracy
A.Pluralist: People naturally are social and form associations. Pluralist believe that politics is a struggle among groups to obtain hold political power, yet it is done in a democratic fashion. B.Elitism or Class Theory: Believe that wealth is the basis of all power. C.Hyper Pluralism : Interest Groups become too powerful and dominate the decision making process. V. Theories of Democracy
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