I. Reviving Religion (cont.) Second Great Awakening (1790 to 1840) one of most momentous episodes in history of American religion: – Converted countless souls – Shattered and reorganized many churches – Created numerous new sects – Encouraged evangelicalism in many areas of American life: » Prison reform, temperance cause, women's movement, and crusade to abolish slavery
Why did it begin abolitionism? Belief that anyone can be saved. Even if you are African-American. We are all God’s creatures. Slaves deserve a certain amount of dignity.
Gradual Abolition It will not be a sudden change, but gradual. Abolition begins in the 1820s, starts picking up in the 1830s, and becomes a main factor in politics in 1840s. The Mexican-American War gives abolitionists an opportunity to combat it.
Territorial Expansion by the Mid-Nineteenth Century
Movement to the Far West American settlement reaches Pacific in 1830s and 1840s Move West for various reasons: fertile ground religious freedom adventure economic opportunity Settlement encroaches on lands claimed by Mexico and England
Think-Pair Share What types of conflicts are happening before the Mex. Am. War began?
The Doctrine of Manifest Destiny “Manifest Destiny” first used in 1845 by John O’ Sullivan – God wants the U.S., His chosen nation, to become stronger – Americans make new territories free and democratic – Growing American population needs land Limits to American expansion undefined
Think Pair Share Where did support for expansion come from?
Texas Independence Texas wins war for independence against Mexico. Texas is an independent nation for about 10 years. Europe becomes an issue. Democrats will argue that they need to prevent Europe from grabbing a hold of Texas.
War with Mexico: Outbreak Texan claim to area between Nueces and Rio Grande Rivers not recognized by Mexico – US inherit dispute After Texas annexation, this causes conflict between U.S. and Mexico Polk orders General Zachary Taylor into disputed area
Settlement of the Mexican- American War: Terms February, 1848: Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo –Rio Grande becomes southern border of Texas –New Mexico, California ceded to U.S. –U.S. pays Mexico $15 million –Mexican residents in ceded areas would become American citizens