LOGGING ON Click “Login” and enter username (district ID without and generic password (will be provided). Click GO. Only change password to district password.
SEARCH With over 6,000 resources and more added every week, the goal is to get you the resources that you need quickly and easily.
SEARCH BY SUBJECT Select content are from left side. Subjects are broken downs by topic, grade level, and resource type.
SEARCH BY KEYWORD Type a keyword in top toolbar to find resources.
BROWSE BY CURRICULUM STANDARDS Resources are aligned to state and common core standards.
NEWS ROUNDUP & NEW ARCHIVE Bring current events into the classroom. Weekly News Roundup features 2 topical video clips with age appropriate voiceover and quiz for each video. A USA Today differentiated article also featured.
INSIDE A MODULE Espresso modules are designed to address a particular learning outcome. Modules contain different resources including multimedia games, quizzes, interactive fact files, photo galleries, worksheets, and more!
VIDEOS All videos have been copyright cleared for educational use – can be downloaded, linked to, or embedded.
ACTIVITIES Lots of fun interactive activities to choose from.
TEACHER RESOURCES Getting started videos, PDF tutorials and classroom resources, special needs (simplify), and professional development.
THE JOTTER Add your own text, tags, notes, and links (printable).
THE LESSON PLANNER Collect Espresso Pages to create your own Lessons Add a Quiz to test students’ knowledge Set up classrooms and assign lessons
CREATE A CUSTOM GROUP OF STUDENTS Use custom groups to make up different classes or place students into customized groups.
CREATE A LESSON Name lesson, add lessons, videos, etc. by searching and clicking on “Add Page”. Repeat to add more.
ADD A QUIZ PAGE Add your own quiz by writing questions in multiple choice, true/false, or short answer form.
ASSIGN LESSON TO STUDENTS After a lesson has been created, assign it to entire class or special groups.
PROVIDE STUDENTS WITH LOGIN CODE Printable cards can be created or ed to you.
SHARE YOUR LESSONS Lessons can easily be shared with coworkers.
Espresso Elementary