You tube video on teen pregnancy – The audience is anyone who downloads youtube videos It’s short and to the point It’s directed toward teens XXiNMk44
Article titled “Baby Mamas” Time Magazine is a well respected magazine Reaches a wide audience of 25 million since it is in print and also can be found on the internet Author uses a conversational style and interviews teen reality stars, and the creator of MTV’s 16 and pregnant and Teen Mom
National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy Many statistics are given on this website Audience is anyone who is interested in this problem Information is factual and easy to understand
This is a song by Kenny Chesney The song is about a teen who finds out his girlfriend is pregnant – he thinks his life is over but discovers his little girl is the best thing that ever happened in his life Country music is listened to by people of all ages watch?v=xP- Sxfntdb4&feature=player_ detailpage
This is one billboard that was posted in Chicago Chicago has one of the highest teen birth rates in the country This billboard would be hard to miss. There is a definite shock factor used to get the point across. Billboards are effective. Teen birth rate dropped 33% after posting this billboard according to Chicago Dept. of Public Health
16 and Pregnant Teen Mom Both shows feature teen girls Shows the hardships of becoming a Mom before you are ready Opens dialogue between parents and teens Sends a message that this is what happens when you don’t practice safe sex Audience is geared toward teen girls Drama between girls and their struggle with raising a baby is shown Every program directs viewers to a website:
MTV and Teen Pregnancy: Critical Essays on 16 and Pregnant and Teen Mom One of the authors was pregnant when she was 16 This would appeal to anyone who is interested in teen pregnancy and reality television programs px?direct=true&db=a9h&AN= &site=ehost-live