Snowboard Made by Ponedelko Katya
In 1929, the Austrian Jack Burtsheet board cut out of plywood, attached it to the feet of horses' reins. True, he descended from the mountain, or not, is unknown.
It all started in 1963 when Tom Sims made his first snowboard. The first time he tried to use board from skateboard (it had a suitable shape, curved ends). At the time, many people did not take snowboarding seriously considering venture useless without assuming that over time it will be very popular. Since then, snowboarding appearance has changed radically.
Only in 1970, snowboard becomes more familiar to us it was board with iron piping.In March 1975, in the magazine "Newsweek" there is a large (two pages) article, with photos, about WinterStick In 1985 edition published the first magazine devoted exclusively to snowboarding. Now the world has more than 30 (!) Pure snowboard magazines.
In 90's the International Federation Snowboard (ISF) was created.Now it holds annual World Championships, consisting of the stages taking place on every continent, the World Cup and junior championships. In January 1993, ISF conductad first real snowboarding World Cup in Austria. In 1996, snowboarding, recognized as a separate sport. This was followed by the inclusion of snowboarding in the Winter Games, in 1998, and Ross Rebagliati took the gold medal to Canada.