Energizer Execution in store – 1. Areas Identified for improvement We were blocked in the Carrefour headofiice to place / implement displays. We wanted to reinforce our disposable visibility trough the placement of displays at the POS. We negotiated store by store, even in a centralized brand as CRF, in order to obtain the maximum possible visibility. First big experience of negotiation stores by store in a centralized chain. 2. Action plan to build capability: We have achieved to place 106 displays in 126 CRF stores. We sold 11, packs in February. (Average 8 and 8+4 packs sold per month in CRF during FY13: 4,801 packs). This is an additional / extra turnover of 46,000 € We have increase our Xtreme value market share in the two last periods in +2,3 points. 3. Investment & Resources: Displays Cost (3,100 €) 10% turnover in free goods (2,500 €) Special Sales Rep Incentive 1,050 € We avoid / save the payment to the head office for a centralized display sent. Better…Faster…More Consistently… NB Confidential! – Internal use only
Nº Displays for Sales Rep 106 displays implemented in 126 stores visited (84% achievement) NB Confidential! – Internal use only
Nielsen Week VALUE Increase +2,3 points market share in 2 periods NB Confidential! – Internal use only
198 Disposable displays in Hipermarkets (Carrefour, Alcampo, Eroski and Hipercor) NB Confidential! – Internal use only