1 Introduction to Biological Processes ENVE 649
2 Taxonomy Life could be divided into: –Prokaryotes (“pro care ee oats”, roughly “bacteria” that is, a single cell without a nucleus) –Eukaryotes (“you care ee oats”) a cell or cells with a nucleus. Another common division of life is into five “kingdoms”
3 The Kingdoms Monera Protista Fungi Plantae Animalia
4 The Kingdoms
5 Nutrition, Carbon Source Autotrophs –get carbon from carbon dioxide Heterotrophs –carbon from other than CO2
6 Nutrition, Energy Source Chemotrophs –energy from breaking down nutrients –inorganic = lithotrophs –carbon from organic = organotrophs Phototrophs –energy from sunlight
8 Oxygen Aerobic –need oxygen Anaerobic –facultative, can tolerate oxygen –Obligate anaerobes, killed by oxygen
9 Next two slides give some numbers, which you don’t have to know, but the principle is important: most microorganisms will thrive only in certain environments.
10 Temperature Cryophilic C Mesophilic C Thermophilic C
11 pH Dependence Acidophiles pH < 3 Neutophiles 4 < pH < 9 Alkalophiles pH > 10
12 Other Nutrients Minerals Nitrogen Source
13 Heterotrophic Reactions
14 Fermentation, two steps Organic acid, methanogenesis
15 Batch Culture Growth Time Number of micro- organisms Lag Log Stationary Death