1st ¶ Introduction (use HATMAT) Hook – Something to grab the readers attention, “Hook” them in. Make the interested in reading more. Author Title Main characters A short summary Thesis
2nd ¶ First body paragraph Topic sentence (what this paragraph will discuss; how it will prove your thesis) context for the quote who says it what’s happening in the text when they say it quote from the text (cited properly according to MLA) analysis of the quote (how does it prove your thesis?) transition sentence: essay topic: subtopic 1 plus sub topic 2
3rd ¶ Second body paragraph topic sentence (what this paragraph will discuss; how it will prove your thesis) context for the quote who says it what’s happening in the text when they say it quote from the text (cited properly according to MLA) analysis of the quote (how does it prove your thesis?) transition sentence: essay topic: subtopic 2 plus sub topic 3
4th ¶ Third body paragraph topic sentence (what this paragraph will discuss; how it will prove your thesis) context for the quote who says it what’s happening in the text when they say it quote from the text (cited properly according to MLA) analysis of the quote (how does it prove your thesis?) closing sentence: wrap up the paragraph
5th ¶ Conclusion restatement of thesis summary of points explain why the topic is important
In text citation Jacobs stated that Romantic poetry was marked by a "spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings" (263). Romantic poetry is characterized by the "spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings" (Jacobs 263). Jacobs extensively explored the role of emotion in the creative process (263).
Due Dates Pre-writing worth 5 Points (summative) will be turned in with the final draft. (11/26) Friday (11/22): Rough Draft – Need to bring what you have completed to date to class. - 5 Points (Summative) Tuesday (11/26) – Final Draft 30 points summative – I will be scoring with 6+1 Traits Rubric.