BY A PEDESTRIAN Related publications direct photon in Au+Au PRL94, (2005) direct photon in p+p PRL98, (2007) e+e- in p+p and Au+Au arXiv: (PRC) Direct (virtual) photon in Au+Au arXiv: (PRL) Latest results on direct photon from Phenix 05/02/ F. Fleuret - LLR Rencontre ions lourds/Heavy Ion Meeting
New findings on Hot Quark Soup PHENIX STAR 05/02/ F. Fleuret - LLR Rencontre ions lourds/Heavy Ion Meeting
Perfect liquid hot enough to be quark soup Hydro fits T ini ~ 300 – 600 MeV (k B T ~ eV K -1 ) T ~ 4 – K 170 MeV Perfect liquid 300 MeV600 MeV free Gas ? 05/02/ F. Fleuret - LLR Rencontre ions lourds/Heavy Ion Meeting (Arxiv: )
How to measure the temperature ? Looking at photons Hot matter emits thermal radiation Temperature can be measured from the emission spectrum Hard parton scattering Hard parton scattering High pT photons (> 6 GeV) QGP photons QGP photons Low pT photons (1 – 3 GeV) Hadron gas photons Hadron gas photons Very low pT photons (<2 GeV) Measuring the photons In p+p : get the baseline In Au+Au : get the temperature time hard parton scattering Au Hadron Gas freeze-out quark-gluon plasma Space Time expansion pK 05/02/ F. Fleuret - LLR Rencontre ions lourds/Heavy Ion Meeting
Sources of photons in A+A In A+A collisions High pT photons (pT> 6 GeV): non thermal Initial parton-parton scattering: as in p+p not affected by Hot and Dense Matter test the theoretical description of A+A collisions with pQCD Low pT photons (pT < 3 GeV) : thermal Come from the thermalized medium Carry information about the initial temperature of the Quark Gluon Plasma Thermal photons are created in the QGP as well as in the hadron gas over the entire lifetime of these phases test hydro models Low and intermediate pT photons (up to 6 GeV) Interaction of the quarks and gluons from the hard scattering processes with the QGP q hard + g QGP q + get a large fraction of the momentum of q hard 05/02/ F. Fleuret - LLR Rencontre ions lourds/Heavy Ion Meeting
Phenix detector e+e+ ee 2 central arms: electrons, photons, hadrons charmonium J/ , ’ e + e - vector meson , , e + e - high p T o +, - direct photons open charm hadron physics 05/02/ F. Fleuret - LLR Rencontre ions lourds/Heavy Ion Meeting |y|<0.35
Direct photons in p+p : the baseline PRL98, (2007) In p+p collisions Direct photons Compton scattering q + g q + qq annihilation q + q g + Bremsstrahlung (intial state) Fragmentation photons Brem. From final state partons Final state hadron decay (background) 0, , K 0,… + Measured p+p yield compatible with NLO pQCD calculations p+p 200 GeV 05/02/ F. Fleuret - LLR Rencontre ions lourds/Heavy Ion Meeting
Thermal photons thermal direct photons are measured as « excess » above hadron decay photons From Monte Carlo : take a parametrization of measured 0 as input and propagate the particles through detectors background photons = remaining photons (from 0 ) after all cuts background photons 0 from MC Direct photons candidates : obtained after rejecting photons pairs falling within 110<M <170 MeV/c² ( 0 ) and 500<M <620 Mev/c² ( ) Direct photons candidates (from data) 0 from data 05/02/ F. Fleuret - LLR Rencontre ions lourds/Heavy Ion Meeting Difficult to measure below p T <3 GeV/c (the yield of thermal photons is only 1/10 of that of hadron decay photons)
Alternative: « quasi real » virtual photons 9 05/02/2010 F. Fleuret - LLR Rencontre ions lourds/Heavy Ion Meeting e+e+ e-e- Source of real photon should also be able to emit virtual photon LMR I (Low Mass Region I) (M ee 0) p T ee >> M ee « quasi real » photons (When M << E ) Advantages : 0 decay photons are removed reduce the bkg by ~80% S ignal /B ackground improved by a factor 5 (See arXiv : (appendix B) for more details) J/ DD ’’
r = fraction of direct photons = direct/inclusive Measuring lepton (electron) pairs Remove (dalitz) 0 e + e - M ee > 100 MeV/c² Remove other sources of bkg M ee < 300 MeV/c² Look at 100<M ee <300 MeV Several p T bins 0 cut-off f tot =(1-r) f c (M ee ) + r f dir (M ee ) f dir (M ee ) = expected shape from direct photon spectrum normalized to the data for mee<30 MeV/c² f c (M ee ) = cocktail mass distribution normalized to mee<30 MeV/c² 05/02/ F. Fleuret - LLR Rencontre ions lourds/Heavy Ion Meeting Cocktail (Note : identical shape for f dir and f c for m ee <30 MeV/c²)
Fraction of direct photons Several pT bins: 1.0 < p T < 1.5 GeV/c 1.5 < p T < 2.0 GeV/c 2.0 < p T < 2.5 GeV/c 2.5 < p T < 3.0 GeV/c 3.0 < p T < 4.0 GeV/c 4.0 < p T < 5.0 GeV/c p+p consistent with NLO pQCD Au+Au : large excess above NLO pQCD 05/02/ F. Fleuret - LLR Rencontre ions lourds/Heavy Ion Meeting NLO pQCD calculations ×T AA T AA = glauber nuclear overlap function
Direct photon spectrum : the final plot Direct (real) photons in p+p Phys. Rev. Lett. 98, (2007) Direct (real) photons in Au+Au Phys. Rev. Lett. 94, (2005) NLO pQCD calculations Modified Power Law Fit on p+p MPL Fit on p+p × T AA Au+Au Min bias central mid Exponential + MPLF on p+p × T AA p+p 05/02/ F. Fleuret - LLR Rencontre ions lourds/Heavy Ion Meeting Normalized cocktail e+e- yield For m ee < 30 MeV/c² Photon yield from normalized cocktail Measured e+e- yield for m ee < 30 MeV/c² Fit = exponential + (MPLF×T AA ) = + (MPLF×T AA ) T = 221 ±23±18 MeV Starting from (identical shape for f dir and f c for m ee <30 MeV/c²) (arXiv: )
Comparison with hydro models 05/02/ F. Fleuret - LLR Rencontre ions lourds/Heavy Ion Meeting From hydro models 300 MeV< T ini < 600 MeV 0.17 fm < 0 < 0.6 T C from Lattice QCD ~ 170 MeV T AuAu (fit) ~ 220 MeV 170 MeV Perfect liquid 300 MeV600 MeV
Conclusion 05/02/ F. Fleuret - LLR Rencontre ions lourds/Heavy Ion Meeting