O thank the L ORD, for he is good; his steadfast love endures always. Now let the house of Isr’el say, “His love will last for endless days.” [Sing to.


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Presentation transcript:

O thank the L ORD, for he is good; his steadfast love endures always. Now let the house of Isr’el say, “His love will last for endless days.” [Sing to the Lord 118 – Part 1]

2. And let the house of Aaron say, “His love forever will endure.” Let those who fear the L ORD declare, “His love will stand forever sure.”

3. I cried in anguish to the L ORD ; he answered me and set me free. The L ORD is with me; I’ll not fear. What harm can people do to me?

4. The L ORD is with me constantly; he is the one who gives me aid. I’ll look in triumph on my foes; I will not need to be afraid.

5. It’s better far to trust the L ORD than look for help to man’s defence. It’s better far to trust the L ORD than in a prince have confidence.

6. The nations all surrounded me; in G OD ’s great name I made them fall. They hemmed me in on ev’ry side; in G OD ’s great name I slew them all.

7. They chased me like a swarm of bees; but like a heap of thorns aflame they very quickly met their end. I slew them in the L ORD ’s great name.

8. I was pushed back and nearly fell; the L ORD himself gave help to me. He is my song and source of strength; the L ORD gave me the victory. Sing to the Lord 118 – Part 1 Used with permission Text: Psalm 118:1–14. Sing Psalms, © Psalmody Committee, Free Church of Scotland, 2003 Tune: Philip Armes, 1875