_name Kronos Confidential 1 Principle V: Efficient & Effective Support Operations Goals 1 – 4 1.The District will develop and maintain a balanced budget 2. Academic & operational support services to schools 3. Student achievement and other performance indicators will be measured 4. The operations of each SLPS department will be driven by the District’s strategic plan.
_name Kronos Confidential 2 BENEFITS: Automate manual time/attendance process for over 5,000 employees across approximately 100 reporting locations Monitor substitute tracking to teacher position Control Itinerant staff and contractors movement, extra service and related expenses
_name Kronos Confidential 3 BENEFITS: Elimination of most paper forms Redeployment of Timekeeping staff at school locations Seamless integration to SAP and substitute systems Centralization to a uniform attendance policy enforcement Provide security to sites within SLPS
_name Kronos Confidential 4 Kronos References in K-12 approximately 500 Customers
_name Kronos Confidential 5 Cost Justification Current YearFY 08FY 09Total Kronos Cost$187,500$450,000$262,500$900,000 Kronos Maintenance$80,411 $160,822 Total $187,500$530,411$342,911$1,060,822 Conservative Annual Cost Savings0 $$2,000,000 ROI$1, 469,589 Total Projected Direct Impact $2,690,734