1 E-Acquisitions Workflows and Management in Alma Network Zone
2 Copyright Statement All of the information and material inclusive of text, images, logos, product names is either the property of, or used with permission by Ex Libris Ltd. The information may not be distributed, modified, displayed, reproduced – in whole or in part – without the prior written permission of Ex Libris Ltd. TRADEMARKS Ex Libris, the Ex Libris logo, Aleph, Alma, SFX, SFXIT, MetaLib, DigiTool, Verde, Primo, Voyager, MetaSearch, MetaIndex and other Ex Libris products and services referenced herein are trademarks of Ex Libris, and may be registered in certain jurisdictions. All other product names, company names, marks and logos referenced may be trademarks of their respective owners. DISCLAIMER The information contained in this document is compiled from various sources and provided on an "AS IS" basis for general information purposes only without any representations, conditions or warranties whether express or implied, including any implied warranties of satisfactory quality, completeness, accuracy or fitness for a particular purpose. Ex Libris, its subsidiaries and related corporations ("Ex Libris Group") disclaim any and all liability for all use of this information, including losses, damages, claims or expenses any person may incur as a result of the use of this information, even if advised of the possibility of such loss or damage. © Ex Libris Ltd., 2014
3 Agenda Introduction Centrally managed e-resources vs. locally managed Defining Inventory Network groups Acquiring e-resources from the Community Zone Activating e-resources from the Community Zone Manually adding e-resources to the Network Zone Publishing to Primo from the Network Zone Summary and additional resources
4 Prerequisites This presentation assumes that you have viewed or attended these training sessions: Day-to-Day acquisition End2End Workflows Acquiring Electronic Resources Basic presentations about Collaborative networks
5 User Roles To acquire electronic resources… A Purchasing Operator typically starts the process by creating a PO Line Upon notification of availability, e-resources are activated by a Electronic Inventory Operator or Repository Manager An Invoice Operator finalizes payment details by creating an invoice
6 Objectives By the end of this training session, you will be able to: Understand the difference between managing e-resources on the level of an institution or centrally managed from the level of a Collaborative Network Define Inventory Network groups Start the ordering and activation of e-resources on behalf of the member institutions of a Collaborative network
7 The Zones Network Zone Member Institution
8 Agenda Introduction Centrally managed e-resources vs. locally managed Defining Inventory Network groups Acquiring e-resources from the Community Zone Activating e-resources from the Community Zone Manually adding e-resources to the Network Zone Publishing to Primo from the Network Zone Summary and additional resources
9 Network Zone Metadata model – Community Zone Institution Zone Community Zone Global Authorities Shared repository of authority files Community Catalog Shared records managed by ExL Currently e-resources Central KnowledgeBase Shared administrative information for e- resources Institution Inventory Can link to the Institution, Network, or Community Catalog Defines what resources (across any catalog) are managed by your library Institution Catalog Records not shared Can include local extensions Network Inventory Shared e-resources available to multiple institutions Network Catalog Shared records managed by all institutions Shared acquisition infrastructure Vendors Funds
10 Network Zone Metadata model – Network Zone Institution Zone Community Zone Global Authorities Shared repository of authority files Community Catalog Shared records managed by ExL Currently e-resources Central KnowledgeBase Shared administrative information for e- resources Institution Inventory Can link to the Institution, Network, or Community Catalog Defines what resources (across any catalog) are managed by your library Institution Catalog Records not shared Can include local extensions Network Inventory Shared e-resources available to multiple institutions Network Catalog Shared records managed by all institutions Shared acquisition infrastructure Vendors Funds
11 Network Zone Metadata model – Institution Zone Institution Zone Community Zone Global Authorities Shared repository of authority files Community Catalog Shared records managed by ExL Currently e-resources Central KnowledgeBase Shared administrative information for e- resources Institution Inventory Can link to the Institution, Network, or Community Catalog Defines what resources (across any catalog) are managed by your library Institution Catalog Records not shared Can include local extensions Network Inventory Shared e-resources available to multiple institutions Network Catalog Shared records managed by all institutions Shared acquisition infrastructure Vendors Funds
12 Network Zone Network Zone - Acquisitions ACQUISITIONS Purchasing Department
13 Network Zone - Acquisitions Joint Electronic Resources Privately Owned Electronic Resources Network Zone
14 Network Zone - Acquisitions LexisNexis Academic Member 1 Network Zone Member 2Member 3 Member N Indicate to which member/s it is available for Assign specific coverage per member Activate proxy per member Indicate to which member/s it is available for Assign specific coverage per member Activate proxy per member
15 Keywords about locally managed e-resources Managed by staff on the institution level Fund and vendors are defined on an institutional level Inventory records are created When searching in the Network Zone this inventory and inventory from other member institutions from the Collaborative Network will be visible as ”Held by”
16 Keywords about locally managed e-resources - Repository search in the Network Zone (1) - Show that the resource have inventory in the institution (2) - Indicate which institution in the network hold the resource (3) - Offer Electronic Services in ”View it” (4)
17 Keywords about centrally managed e-resources Some institutions may want to collaborate in order to manage some e-resources centrally This must be done by authorized staff in the Network Zone Authorized staff can create local e-resources or activate/acquire resources from the Community Zone If acquisition is done in the Network Zone, funds and vendors must be defined in the Network zone By default activation will cover all Member institutions, but Inventory Network Groups can be defined to individualize coverage
18 Keywords about centrally managed e-resources Authorized staff can activate for groups or all members This will not create local inventory ie. the resource is only searchable in the Network Zone It will be published to the discovery tool and create content to the UResolver of the individual member institution.
19 Centrally managed e-resources Repository search in the Network Zone (1) Available for my institution (2) Offer Electronic Service in ”View it” (3) 1 2 3
20 Agenda Introduction Centrally managed e-resources vs. locally managed Defining Inventory Network groups Acquiring e-resources from the Community Zone Activating e-resources from the Community Zone Manually adding e-resources to the Network Zone Publishing to Primo from the Network Zone Summary and additional resources
21 Defining Inventory Network groups By default all activated e-resources in the Network Zone are available for all members of the collaborative network Acess can be restricted to only one or more Inventory Network Groups One institution can belong to many Inventory Network Groups One Inventory Network Group can consist of just one member institution For each Group you can create individual settings for - Coverage - Proxy - Public and Authentication notes
22 Defining Inventory Network groups A concept of inheritance is implemented. You can set the group setting on the level of an electronic collection and this will apply to all portfolios of the package. However on portfolio level you can alter this inheritance with individual settings
23 Defining Inventory Network groups Can be defined in ”Alma Menu -> Resource management -> Resource configuration -> General ->Inventory Network Groups 1: 2: 3:
24 Agenda Introduction Centrally managed e-resources vs. locally managed Defining Inventory Network groups Acquiring e-resources from the Community Zone Activating e-resources from the Community Zone Manually adding e-resources to the Network Zone Publishing to Primo from the Network Zone Summary and additional resources
25 Acquiring e-resources from the Community Zone Prerequisites for acquiring e-resources in the Network Zone - Licences - Ledgers and funds - Vendors - Review Purchase order and invoice rules Alma Menu -> Acquisitions -> Acquisitions Infrastructure ->Licenses Alma Menu -> Acquisitions -> Acquisitions Infrastructure ->Funds and ledgers Alma Menu -> Acquisitions -> Acquisitions Infrastructure ->Vendors Alma Menu -> Acquisitions -> Acquisition configuration -> Purchasing review rules
26 Acquiring e-resources from the Community Zone Acquire on the ”Electronic collection” or ”Portfolio” level Follow normal acquisition procedure and activate when ready
27 Agenda Introduction Centrally managed e-resources vs. locally managed Defining Inventory Network groups Acquiring e-resources from the Community Zone Activating e-resources from the Community Zone Manually adding e-resources to the Network Zone Summary and additional resources
28 Activating e-resources from the CZ Search the record in the Community Zone and click on ”Activate”
29 Activating e-resources from the CZ Now search the record in the Institution Zone
30 Activating e-resources from the CZ Adjust ”Available for” if needed, by adding Inventory Network groups in the tab ”Group Settings”
31 Activating e-resources from the CZ Adjust default settings
32 Activating e-resources from the CZ The result of the activation in one of the member institutions
33 Agenda Introduction Centrally managed e-resources vs. locally managed Defining Inventory Network groups Acquiring e-resources from the Community Zone Activating free e-resources from the Community Zone Manually adding e-resources to the Network Zone Publishing to Primo from the Network Zone Summary and additional resources
34 Manually adding e-resources to the NZ In the Alma menu click either ”Add Local Electronic Collection” or ”Add local Portfolio”
35 Manually adding e-resources to the NZ Fill in the form and click on ”Save”
36 Manually adding e-resources to the NZ The result is a new record in the Network Zone By default it’s available for all member institutions but you may add Group settings
37 Manually adding e-resources to the NZ The result as seen when you are logged into one of the member institutions
38 Agenda Introduction Centrally managed e-resources vs. locally managed Defining Inventory Network groups Acquiring e-resources from the Community Zone Activating free e-resources from the Community Zone Manually adding e-resources to the Network Zone Publishing to Primo from the Network Zone Summary and additional resources
39 Publishing to Primo from the Network Zone As a member of a Collaborative Network it’s recommended to publish records from the Network Zone and not from each Institution Member. In terms of electronic resources, publishing from the Network Zone will export: - All records managed in the Network Zone only - All records to which one or more Institution members are linked, enriched with local data from the Institution Zone such as availability - Each Institution member’s local bibliographic records (dedup’ed to avoid duplication) - A special presentation about publishing to Primo will follow later
40 From Primo or any other external discovery using the Alma UResolver, special functionality is offered for electronic resources managed in the Network Zone. This functionality will offer services to resources managed in the Network Zone and available for the member institution defined in the Primo View (by default or by membership in an Inventory Network Group) To enable resolving of electronic resources managed in the Network Zone change the value of retrieve_services_from_NZ to true in Alma menu: (General > General Configuration > Configuration Menu) and click Other Settings under General Configuration (note you must have the role of “General System Administrator”) Resolving electronic resources
41 In this screenshot we see e-services available for this resource, resolved via the NZ and displayed in the View It tab Resolving electronic resources
42 Agenda Introduction Centrally managed e-resources vs. locally managed Defining Inventory Network groups Acquiring e-resources from the Community Zone Activating free e-resources from the Community Zone Manually adding e-resources to the Network Zone Publishing to Primo from the Network Zone Summary and additional resources
43 Summary In this session, you learned how to: Differentiate between managing e- resources centrally or locally in a Collaborative Network Create Inventory Network Groups Acquire and activate e-resources from the Community Zone Add e-resources to the Network Zone
44 Additional Resources Alma Resource Management Guide Available in PDF format via the Ex Libris Documentation Center and as online Help within Alma