Abstract Expressionism Rothko Pollack Riley Vasarely
So…What is Pop Art? Lawrence Alloway (1926–1990), the critic who first used the term in print in 1958, conceived of Pop art as the lower end of a popular-art to fine-art continuum, encompassing such forms as advertising, science-fiction illustration and automobile styling. Hamilton defined Pop in 1957 as: ‘Popular (designed for a mass audience); Transient (short term solution); Expendable (easily forgotten); Low Cost; Mass Produced; Young (aimed at Youth); Witty; Sexy; Gimmicky; Glamorous; and Big Business’
Rauschenburg Rosenquist
Rauschenburg Jasper Johns
Claus Oldenburg
Enviro-Art – Smithson and Christo
Christo’s “Gates” Central Park, NYC, February 2005 (2 weeks)
Maya Lin “Waves” , Storm King, NY
Lin, Vietnam Memorial
Lin’s plan for Queen Anne’s Square in Newport, RI
Current Pop Art Riley, 2003 Rinat Shingareev,