Yoav Dori, MD PhD The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia iCMR at CHOP Yoav Dori, MD PhD The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia
Personnel CHOP cathlab: Yoav Dori MD PhD – Interventional cardiology CHOP MRI: Mark A. Fogel MD – Cardiac MRI Kevin Whitehead MD – Cardiac MRI
Setup ♥ Siemens XFM suite – Avanto and Artis ♥ Currently in the process of setting up the MRI for iCMR procedures
Procedures Performed at CHOP ♥ Congenital heart disease procedures ♥ Diagnostic catheterization and hemodynamic assessment ♥ Interventional procedures: PDA, VSD, ASD closure Coarctation angioplasty and stenting Balloon pulmonary and aortic valvuloplasty Pulmonary artery angioplasty and stenting Melody valve implantation XFM guided procedures Many other structural heart disease interventions
Research and Procedures Interested in Performing Under iCMR Guidance ♥ iCMR guided EP ♥ iCMR guided intramyocardial injections ♥ PV loop analysis of myocardial mechanics in single ventricle physiology ♥ Combined MRI and cath based hemodynamics assessment of complex circuits
Next Milestones ♥ Complete set up of the MRI room for iCMR procedures ♥ Setup system for hemodynamic monitoring in the MRI scanner ♥ Perform combined MRI and cath based hemodynamics assessment of complex circuits
Limiting Factors ♥ Device tracking ♥ Lack of MRI compatible wires and catheters ♥ Difficult to perform procedures in the scanner ♥ Room setup