ANALYSIS AT CERN KAZUKI OSHIMA 2 particle correlation about Pb-Pb 3.52TeV
OUTLINE 2 particle correlation Event mixing Cut Result
2 PARTICLE CORRELATION Get ΔΦ Δη about all trigger and associate tpc track pairs
Devide event about centrality and Z vertex Pool into 10 × 10 Box Become 3 events, get 2 particle correlation 3 real part & 6 event mixing pairs Calculate correlation function EVENT MIXING
EVENT SELECTION Use ESD file LHC11h(2) Pb-Pb 3.57 TeV Run number ,170269,169837,168108,169238, Event Cut |Zvertex|<10cm ESD Track cut TPC acceptance |Δη|<0.9 ITS matching
CENTRALITY DEPENDENCE trigger 2-3GeV, associate 1-2GeV
ETA PROJECTION 1.0<|Δη| <1.8 Fit by Fourier series
VN PLOT v1v2v3 v4 v5 v6 (x,y):(centrality,vn)
TRIGGER DEPENDENCE Projection about Centrality 0-10%
V2 TRIGGER DEPENDENCE 2-3GeV 3-4GeV 5-6GeV 4-5GeV centrality
OUTLOOK Look again fitting error move associate pt fixed 1-2GeV this time Calculate severally vn Consider more event cut and quality track cut to remove something like v2 of eta direction