Briefing to the Portfolio Committee on Department of Higher Education and its entities APP 2015/16 11 March 2015.


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Presentation transcript:

Briefing to the Portfolio Committee on Department of Higher Education and its entities APP 2015/16 11 March 2015

Reputation promise/mission The Auditor-General of South Africa has a constitutional mandate and, as the Supreme Audit Institution (SAI) of South Africa, it exists to strengthen our country’s democracy by enabling oversight, accountability and governance in the public sector through auditing, thereby building public confidence. 2

Agenda 1.Criteria used to assess usefulness of APPs 2.Outcome of 2015/16 APP reviews 2.1 DHET 2.2 SETAs 2.3 NSFAS (no significant findings) 2.4 Other entities (No significant findings; for QCTO, the 15/16 Ministerial guidelines were not yet finalised at the time of our review) 3. Considerations by Portfolio Committees for performance monitoring 4. Budget analysis 4.1 DHET 4.2 SETAs 4.3 NSFAS 4.4 Other entities 3

1. Criteria used to assessed the usefulness of the APP Usefulness Presentation The annual performance plan must be presented using the National Treasury Annual reporting guidelines. Measurability The Objective must be made measurable by means of indicators and targets. Indicator should be well – defined and verifiable. Targets should be specific, measurable and time- bound. Relevance The indicators/ measures must relates logically and directly to an aspect of the institution’s mandate, and the realisation of strategic goals and objectives. Consistency Objectives, indicators and targets must be consistent between planning and reporting documents

5 We reviewed the 2015/16 APP of the department and its entities against the “SMART” criteria: o Measurability of indicators and targets o Relevance of indicators and targets 1. Criteria used to assessed the usefulness of the APP (cont.)

6 SMART criteriaProcedures undertaken Measurability of indicators Are indicators well defined? Clear, unambiguous definition Defined so that data will be collected consistently Easy to understand and use Are indicators verifiable? Possible to validate the processes and systems that produce the indicator/measure

1. Criteria used to assessed the usefulness of the APP (cont.) 7 SMART criteriaProcedures undertaken Measurability of targets Are targets specific? The nature and required level of performance must be clearly identified. Are targets measurable? Can the required performance be measured? Are targets time bound? The time period or deadline for delivery is specified.

1. Criteria used to assessed the usefulness of the APP (cont.) 8 SMART criteriaProcedures undertaken Relevance Are indicators and targets relevant to the mandate of the department and entities?

2. Outcome of 2015/16 APP reviews Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET) Scope We assessed the indicators and targets against the “SMART” criteria for the following programmes: o Programme 3: Universities o Programme 4: Vocational Continuing Education and Training (VCET) o Programme 5: Skills development Outcome No findings on measurability of indicators and targets No findings on relevance of indicators and targets

2. Outcome of 2015/16 APP reviews (cont.) SETAs Scope We assessed the indicators and targets against the “SMART” criteria for objectives directly related to service delivery Outcome Significant findings for the following SETAs AgriSETA SASSETA FP&M SETA LGSETA MERSETA PSETA CATHSETA ETDP SETA

2. Outcome of 2015/16 APP reviews (cont.) 11 AgriSETA Findings Goal 2: Establish private-public partnerships to encourage better use of work-place skills development o 52% indicators not well defined Goal 3: Strengthen agricultural and rural development processes and strategies to alleviate poverty, and promote food security and growth of the rural economy o 40% of indicators are not well defined o 56% of targets are not specific and measurable

12 Agriculture Sector Education and Training Authority (AGRISETA) ObjectiveIndicator SO 2.1 Work based vocational learning for workers Learnerships (18.1) – Completed SO 2.1 Work based vocational learning for workers Learnerships (18.2)- Completed SO 2.1 Work based vocational learning for workers Skills programmes (18.1) - general- Completed SO 2.1 Work based vocational learning for workers Skills programmes (18.2) –Completed SO 2.1 Work based vocational learning for workers ABET supported- Completed SO 2.1 Work based vocational learning for workers Commodity organisations supported SO 2.2 Work integrated learning to bridge educational gaps Internships awarded- completed SO 2.2 Work integrated learning to bridge educational gaps Graduate placement –completed SO 2.2 Work integrated learning to bridge educational gaps FLP(employed and unemployed)- completed SO 2.3 Address middle level skills Artisan training- completed Performance indicators not well defined

13 Agriculture Sector Education and Training Authority (AGRISETA) (cont.) ObjectiveIndicator SO 2.4 Address high level skills Bursaries for employed(post grad)- completed SO 2.4 Address high level skills Bursaries for employed (under grad)- completed SO 2.4 Address high level skills Bursaries for unemployed (post grad)- completed SO 2.4 Address high level skills Bursaries for unemployed (under grad)- completed SO 2.5 Create awareness re. HIV/AIDS HIV/AIDS incl. in all learning intervention SO 3.1 Strengthen rural development initiatives (land reform and co-operatives) Learnerships ( 18.2)- completed SO 3.1 Strengthen rural development initiatives (land reform and co-operatives) Skills programmes and non-aligned programmes (to incl. Farm Together for Co-ops). Due to the dependence on readiness of rural structures, land reform projects and government's processes, time lines cannot be specified. However at least 50% should be allocated in the first quarter and the balance in the e next 3 quarters SO 3.1 Strengthen rural development initiatives (land reform and co-operatives) Skills programmes and non-aligned programmes (to incl. Farm Together for Co-ops)-completed SO 3.2 Support entrepreneurial development New farmers supported Performance indicators not well defined

14 Agriculture Sector Education and Training Authority (AGRISETA) (cont.) ObjectiveIndicatorTargets SO 2.1 Work based vocational learning for workers Learnerships (18.1) Applications by end Jan 14 Approvals by end March 14 Commencement any time as specified by beneficiary from April 14 but not later than 3 months after agreed date except if motivation is provided. 650 SO 2.1 Work based vocational learning for workers Learnerships (18.2) Applications by end Jan 14 Approvals by end March 14 Commencement any time as specified by beneficiary from April 14 but not later than 3 months after agreed date except if motivation is provided 680 SO 2.1 Work based vocational learning for workers Skills programmes (18.1) - general Applications by end Jan 14 Approvals by end March 14 Commencement any time as specified by beneficiary from April 14 but not later than 3 months after agreed date except if motivation is provided 800 Performance indicators and targets not time bound

15 Agriculture Sector Education and Training Authority (AGRISETA) (cont.) ObjectiveIndicatorTargets SO 2.1 Work based vocational learning for workers Skills programmes (18.2) Applications by end Jan 14 Approvals by end March 14 Commencement any time as specified by beneficiary from April 14 but not later than 3 months after agreed date except if motivation is provided 800 SO 2.1 Work based vocational learning for workers ABET supported (both employed and under resourced Applications by end Jan 14 Approvals by end March 14 Commencement any time as specified by beneficiary from April onwards but not later than 3 months after agreed date except if motivation is provided 800 Performance indicators and targets not time bound

16 Performance targets not specific Agriculture Sector Education and Training Authority (AGRISETA) (cont.) ObjectiveIndicatorTargets SO 2.2 Work integrated learning to bridge educational gaps Graduate placement Commit to minimum of 200 FET graduates and 300 from Agric Colleges and Universities. Placement dates in accordance to submissions and needs of stakeholders. To be completed by end of third quarter. 250 SO 2.2 Work integrated learning to bridge educational gaps Graduate placement -completed125

17 ObjectiveIndicatorTargets SO 2.2 Work integrated learning to bridge educational gaps FLP(employed and unemployed) Applications by end Jan 14 Approvals by end March 14 Commencement any time as specified by beneficiary from April onwards but not later than 3 months after agreed date except if motivation is provided 60 SO 2.3 Address middle level skills Artisan training Applications by 8 Nov 13 Approvals by Mid Dec 13 Commencement any time as specified by beneficiary from April onwards but not later than 3 months after agreed date except if motivation is provided 210 SO 3.2 Support entrepreneurial development NVC programme implemented Applications by end Jan 14 Approvals by end March 14 Commencement any time as specified by beneficiary from April onwards but not later than 3 months after agreed date except if sufficient motivation is provided 50 Performance targets not time bound Agriculture Sector Education and Training Authority (AGRISETA) (cont.)

18 ObjectiveIndicatorTargets SO 2.5 Create awareness re. HIV/AIDS HIV/AIDS incl. in all learning intervention A brief lecture or handout or information brochure included in all learning programmes. Monitor providers implementation on various projects. n/a SO 3.1 Strengthen rural development initiatives (land reform and co-operatives) Learnerships ( 18.2) Outputs included in 2.1 above -250 SO 3.1 Strengthen rural development initiatives (land reform and co-operatives) Learnerships ( 18.2)- completed -125 SO 3.1 Strengthen rural development initiatives (land reform and co-operatives) Skills programmes and non-aligned programmes (to incl. Farm Together for Co-ops) Due to the dependence on readiness of rural structures, land reform projects and government's processes, time lines cannot be specified. However at least 50% should be allocated in the first quarter and the balance in the e next 3 quarters Agriculture Sector Education and Training Authority (AGRISETA) (cont.) Performance indicators and targets not specific and measurable

19 ObjectiveIndicatorTargets SO 3.1 Strengthen rural development initiatives (land reform and co-operatives) Skills programmes and non-aligned programmes (to incl. Farm Together for Co-ops)- completed SO 3.2 Support entrepreneurial development New farmers supported Projects at the discretion of organisation AgriSETA to ensure that projects are contributing to NSDS (aligned to NSDS) 8/120 Agriculture Sector Education and Training Authority (AGRISETA) (cont.) Performance indicators and targets not specific and measurable

SASSETA Findings Technical indicator description was not provided for audit purpose. As a result 100% of performance indicators in programme 4.1 and 86% of performance indicators in programme 4.2 were not well defined. Below are details of indicators relating to programme 4.2.

SASSETA (cont.) Performance indicators not well defined ObjectiveIndicator Strategic Objective 7.2.1: Develop Partnership Agreements with 6 universities, 6 public FET Colleges and 7 other Stakeholder collaboration by 2015/16 for implementation of SASSETA learning programs Number of partnership agreements in place with universities Strategic Objective 7.2.1: Develop Partnership Agreements with 6 universities, 6 public FET Colleges and 7 other Stakeholder collaboration by 2015/16 for implementation of SASSETA learning programs Number of partnerships with other stakeholders Strategic Objective 7.2.1: Develop Partnership Agreements with 6 universities, 6 public FET Colleges and 7 other Stakeholder collaboration by 2015/16 for implementation of SASSETA learning programs Number of partnership agreements in place with public FET Colleges

22 ObjectiveIndicator Strategic Objective 7.2.2: Approval of 4 Universities and 6 public FET colleges to offer learning programs within scope of SASSETA by 2015/16 Number of universities approved to offer SASSETA learning programmes Strategic Objective 7.2.2: Approval of 4 Universities and 6 public FET colleges to offer learning programs within scope of SASSETA by 2015/16 Number of public FET’s approved to offer SASSETA learning programmes Strategic Objective 7.2.3: Provide training to learners on learnerships and learners on skills programmes for both employed and unemployed focussing on scarce and critical skills by 2015/16 Number of employed learners entering learnerships SASSETA (cont.) Performance indicators not well defined

23 ObjectiveIndicator Strategic Objective 7.2.3: Provide training to learners on learnerships and learners on skills programmes for both employed and unemployed focussing on scarce and critical skills by 2015/16 Number of employed learners completing learnerships Strategic Objective 7.2.3: Provide training to learners on learnerships and learners on skills programmes for both employed and unemployed focussing on scarce and critical skills by 2015/16 Number of employed learners entering skills programmes Strategic Objective 7.2.3: Provide training to learners on learnerships and learners on skills programmes for both employed and unemployed focussing on scarce and critical skills by 2015/16 Number of employed learners completing skills programmes SASSETA (cont.) Performance indicators not well defined

24 ObjectiveIndicator Strategic Objective 7.2.3: Provide training to learners on learnerships and learners on skills programmes for both employed and unemployed focussing on scarce and critical skills by 2015/16 Number of unemployed learners entering learnerships Strategic Objective 7.2.3: Provide training to learners on learnerships and learners on skills programmes for both employed and unemployed focussing on scarce and critical skills by 2015/16 Number of unemployed learners completing learnerships Strategic Objective 7.2.3: Provide training to learners on learnerships and learners on skills programmes for both employed and unemployed focussing on scarce and critical skills by 2015/16 Number of unemployed learners completing skills programmes SASSETA (cont.) Performance indicators not well defined

25 ObjectiveIndicator Strategic Objective: Provide training to 600 artisans through different learning routes, learnerships, apprenticeships, RPL by 2015/16 Number of artisans workers entering through: RPL Learnerships Strategic Objective: Provide training to 600 artisans through different learning routes, learnerships, apprenticeships, RPL by 2015/16 Number of artisans workers successfully completing through: Learnerships RPL Strategic Objective: Provide training to 600 artisans through different learning routes, learnerships, apprenticeships, RPL by 2015/16 Number of unemployed artisans entering through: Learnerships RPL Apprenticeships NCV Strategic Objective: Provide training to 600 artisans through different learning routes, learnerships, apprenticeships, RPL by 2015/16 Number of unemployed artisans successfully completing through: Learnerships RPL Apprenticeships NCV SASSETA (cont.) Performance indicators not well defined

26 ObjectiveIndicator Strategic Objective 7.2.5: Provide Workplace Integrated learning, Internships and workplace experience to youth focussing on scarce and critical skills by 2015/16 Number of learners entering WIL: FET Strategic Objective 7.2.5: Provide Workplace Integrated learning, Internships and workplace experience to youth focussing on scarce and critical skills by 2015/16 Number of learners entering WIL: Universities Strategic Objective 7.2.5: Provide Workplace Integrated learning, Internships and workplace experience to youth focussing on scarce and critical skills by 2015/16 No. of learners successfully completing WIL: FET SASSETA (cont.) Performance indicators not well defined

27 ObjectiveIndicator Strategic Objective 7.2.5: Provide Workplace Integrated learning, Internships and workplace experience to youth focussing on scarce and critical skills by 2015/16 Number of learners successfully completing WIL: universities Strategic Objective 7.2.5: Provide Workplace Integrated learning, Internships and workplace experience to youth focussing on scarce and critical skills by 2015/16 Number of learners enrolled for internships/ workplace experiential learning programmes Internships Strategic Objective 7.2.5: Provide Workplace Integrated learning, Internships and workplace experience to youth focussing on scarce and critical skills by 2015/16 Number of learners enrolled for internships/ workplace experiential learning programmes Workplace experiential learning SASSETA (cont.) Performance indicators not well defined

28 SASSETA (cont.) Performance indicators not well defined ObjectiveIndicator Strategic Objective 7.2.5: Provide Workplace Integrated learning, Internships and workplace experience to youth focussing on scarce and critical skills by 2015/16 Number of learners completing internships/ workplace experiential learning programmes Internships Strategic Objective 7.2.5: Provide Workplace Integrated learning, Internships and workplace experience to youth focussing on scarce and critical skills by 2015/16 Number of learners completing internships/ workplace experiential learning programmes Workplace experiential learning Strategic Objective 7.2.5: Provide Workplace Integrated learning, Internships and workplace experience to youth focussing on scarce and critical skills by 2015/16 Number of learners successfully completing adult language and numeracy skills programs

29 ObjectiveIndicator Strategic Objective 7.2.8: Provide support to 4 Trade Unions, 4 NGOs, 4 CBOs, 10 NLPE, 1270 SMME by 2015/16 Number of trade unions supported Strategic Objective 7.2.8: Provide support to 4 Trade Unions, 4 NGOs, 4 CBOs, 10 NLPE, 1270 SMME by 2015/16 Number of NGO’s supported Strategic Objective 7.2.8: Provide support to 4 Trade Unions, 4 NGOs, 4 CBOs, 10 NLPE, 1270 SMME by 2015/16 Number of CBO’s supported Strategic Objective 7.2.8: Provide support to 4 Trade Unions, 4 NGOs, 4 CBOs, 10 NLPE, 1270 SMME by 2015/16 Number of NLPE’s supported SASSETA (cont.) Performance indicators not well defined

30 ObjectiveIndicator Strategic Objective 7.2.8: Provide support to 4 Trade Unions, 4 NGOs, 4 CBOs, 10 NLPE, 1270 SMME by 2015/16 Number of SMME’s supported Strategic Objective 7.2.8: Provide support to 4 Trade Unions, 4 NGOs, 4 CBOs, 10 NLPE, 1270 SMME by 2015/16 Number of Co-operatives supported Strategic Objective : Award 1100 bursaries to learners for study on NQF level 6 and above addressing scarce and critical skills shortages 2015/16 Number of employed learners awarded bursaries entered Strategic Objective : Award 1100 bursaries to learners for study on NQF level 6 and above addressing scarce and critical skills shortages 2015/16 Number of employed learners awarded bursaries successfully completing SASSETA (cont.) Performance indicators not well defined

31 ObjectiveIndicator Strategic Objective : Award bursaries to learners for study on NQF level 6 and above addressing scarce and critical skills shortages 2015/16 Number of unemployed learners successfully completing Strategic Objective : Award bursaries to learners for study on NQF level 6 and above addressing scarce and critical skills shortages 2015/16 Number of learners successfully completing flagship programmes. Strategic Objective : Award bursaries to learners for study on NQF level 6 and above addressing scarce and critical skills shortages 2015/16 Number of learners placed as a result of the interventions.30% of learners being placed Strategic Objective : Monitor and evaluate all discretionary grants projects by 2015/16 Quarterly reports generated for all projects SASSETA (cont.) Performance indicators not well defined

32 Performance targets not specific and measurable Performance IndicatorPerformance target Establish geographic representation in areas where FP&M sector is economic and establish relations with 10 TVET colleges to meet industry skills needs. - Implement TVET/HEI Strategy: iv. Re-tooling & re-skilling of unemployed TVET/HEI graduates – Work Experience & Internship projects rolled out in 2 TVET colleges and 1 HEIs as per targets illustrated in 4.2. vi. 3 TVETs recognised as ISOEs Create link/partnership between 3 TVET colleges and local skills development initiatives e.g. sewing clubs, small scale furniture repairs etc. to promote collaboration with TVET colleges. Project support for 3 TVET linked community small scale programmes in targeted communities where the FP&M sector is represented A skills matrix covering both horizontal and vertical skills is developed for a minimum of 5 sub- sectors in the FP&M SETA and is benchmarked locally and internationally. (a) An assessment tool is simplified for ease of application in 5 sub-sectors and workplaces. (b) Impact of targeted projects assessed leading to a measureable up-skilled workforce. (c) Implement discretionary grant projects to address the skills gaps revealed by the assessment report by October FP&M SETA (cont.)

33 Performance IndicatorPerformance target Work with TVETs in all geographics to promote the selection of TVET qualifications amongst schools in the respective geographics. (b) Marketing and Promotion of FP&M programmes delivered via TVETs. (a) Expansion of national SETA presence in rural areas & townships through TVETs through support of lead SETA TVET model An analysis of the scale of young and adult low language and numeracy levels conducted and an action plan aligned to budget developed against DG applications received annually. (a) Measure the scale of young and adult low language and numeracy levels compiled. (b) An Action Plan linked to a budget for addressing the low levels of language and numeracy levels compiled A minimum of 2 working partners identified and collaborative partnerships forged with youth development organisations & agencies. (b) Impact of intervention evaluated by March Agreements put in place with established bodies at the workplace for active participation in ensuring the implementation of accredited training. Impact study reports shows increased contribution to the GDP by the FP&M sector, an expanding workforce and changing demographics at senior levels A strategy approved by the FP&M SETA Board for identifying and supporting cooperatives, small enterprises, worker initiated, NGOs and community initiatives with skills training and development to expand and contribute to sector economic and employment growth (a) Cooperative, small enterprise, worker initiated, NGO and community training initiatives eligible for funding are identified and provided with the necessary support. i.8% of DG Budget (20%) allocated to disability programmes for a minimum of 3 projects. iii. 20% of DG Budget (20%) allocated to rural development and poverty alleviation programmes for a minimum of 5 projects FP&M SETA (cont.) Performance targets not specific measurable

34 Performance IndicatorPerformance target Discretionary Grant projects approved to support identified cooperatives, small enterprises, worker initiated, NGOs and community initiatives within the FP&M sector and their impact measured and reported on. (a) 20 co-operatives / worker organisations, 20 small enterprises, 3 NGOs, 3 CBOs, 5 NLPEs and 2 trade unions identified and supported through discretionary grant projects A career management and vocational guidance strategy is developed contributing to improved relevance of training and greater mobility and progression Increased interest in FP&M SETA training programmes shown by young people through an increased demand for support by constituent stakeholders for career exhibitions Life Orientation educators of schools targeted for pipeline project and SDFs trained on FP&M SETA Career Information Career information made available to 30 secondary schools. Impact study reports show gradual change of demographics at senior levels of constituent employer companies. Performance targets not specific and measurable FP&M SETA (cont.)

35 Performance indicators not specific and measurable Performance IndicatorsAuditors Comments Artisan Level Programme entered / completed by employed and unemployed learners It is not clear and easily understood what nature of performance is expected to be achieved. The indicator has two types of performances combined into one i.e entered / completed A standard programme for matric and equivalent learnership entered / completed by employed and unemployed learners It is not clear and easily understood what nature of performance is expected to be achieved. The indicator has two types of performances combined into one i.e entered / completed Skills programmes (Management / technical skills / entrepreneurship / life skills) entered / completed by employed / unemployed learners entered It is not clear and easily understood what nature of performance is expected to be achieved. The indicator has two types of performances combined into one i.e entered / completed Bursary Programmes (HET/TVET Institutions) entered/completed by employed and unemployed learners It is not clear and easily understood what nature of performance is expected to be achieved. The indicator has two types of performances combined into one i.e entered / completed FP&M SETA (cont.)

36 Performance IndicatorsAuditors Comments Workplace Experience / Internships (3 – 6 months duration) entered / completed by unemployed learners It is not clear and easily understood what nature of performance is expected to be achieved. The indicator has two types of performances combined into one i.e entered / completed Work-Integrated Learning/ TVET/HET Placements entered / completed by unemployed learners post completion of qualification. It is not clear and easily understood what nature of performance is expected to be achieved. The indicator has two types of performances combined into one i.e entered / completed Post Graduate Bursary programmes entered / completed by employed/unemployed learners (Honours, Master and Doctoral degrees) It is not clear and easily understood what nature of performance is expected to be achieved. The indicator has two types of performances combined into one i.e entered / completed Performance indicators not specific and measurable FP&M SETA (cont.)

37 Performance IndicatorPerformance target (a) Cooperative, small enterprise, worker initiated, NGO and community training initiatives eligible for funding are identified and provided with the necessary support. It is not clear what is the SETA targeting here and how the SETA will measure this kind of a target and what evidence will be used to verify this. i.8% of DG Budget (20%) allocated to disability programmes for a minimum of 3 projects. iii. 20% of DG Budget (20%) allocated to rural development and poverty alleviation programmes for a minimum of 5 projects FP&M SETA (cont.) Performance indicators not specific and measurable

38 Local Government Sector Education and Training Authority (LGSETA)(cont.) To continuously improve the quality of training provision through effective monitoring. Percentage of training providers monitored as per ETQA/QCTO requirements per annum To develop and implement RPL tools that contribute to the professional development of employees. Number of RPL implementation guidelines and tools developed and implemented per annum To continually facilitate greater access to skills development opportunities and employability. Number of Assessment/RPL centres established per annum To support access to better professional development opportunities and prospects for employees. Number of RPL candidates assessed per annum To verify learner achievement Number of learners certificated against unit standards per annum Number of learners certificated against qualifications per annum Performance indicators were not well defined for all indicators in the following programmes ObjectiveIndicator

MERSETA Performance indicators not well defined ProgrammeIndicator Programme 3: Increased access to occupationally- directed programmes Unemployed Interns Entered Unemployed Internships Completed Employed Bursaries entered Employed Bursaries Completed Unemployed Bursaries Completed University Graduate Placements Programme 4: Promote the responsiveness of FETCs to Sector Skills Needs Universities Student Placement Entered Universities Student Placement Completed TVET college Partnerships SETA / Universities Partnerships SETA / Employer Partnerships Programme 5: Address the low level of youth and adult literacy and numeracy skills to enable additional training Lecturer Development Programmes Entered Lecturer Development Programmes Completed Programme 7 - Cooperatives, Small enterprises, NGOs and Community initiated training Co-operatives Small Business Support NGO. CBO NLPE TRADE UNIONS Programme 8 - Career DevelopmentCareer Guidance Events

PSETA IndicatorTarget To increase the number of registered claims by % increase in the number of registered claims 10% increase in the number of adjudicated claims To increase the number of approved invoices for payment by % increase in the number of approved invoices for payment To increase the number of approved compensation benefits for payment by % increase in the number of approved compensation benefits for payment. Indicator and targets are not relevant for programme 3 IndicatorTarget To increase compensation benefits to be paid to injured employees/ diseased and dependents annually Approved AMA guidelines relating to rehabilitation and integration of injured employees Performance indicators and targets are not time bound for programme 3

41 Strategic Goal/ OutputsIndicator Annual Target 2015/16 Implement the Employment Equity Targets by 2019 % of people with disability employed1.50% % of women employed in Senior Management level 52% Achieve a vacancy rate of below 10% by 2019% of vacancies9.50% Programme 4: Human Resource Management75% PSETA(cont.) Performance indicators and targets not specific

42 CATHSSETA Targets not specific Objective Indicator Target Commission CATHSSETA sector research Percentage of research agenda items achieved 80% Submit strategy performance reports to DHET Percentage remedial action per quarterly report achieved 100% Ensure availability of information Number of compliance rating with NASA guidelines 100% Improve training provider compliance with legislated requirements Percentage of training providers that are compliant from visits 75% Ensure availability of information Number of compliance rating with NASA guidelines 100% Technical indicator description was not provided. As a result all indicators were not well defined.

ETDP SETA Performance indicators not well defined ObjectiveIndicator Programme 2- Improve quality of teaching and learning in schools, TVET and HEI's and to contribute to a transformed higher education environment 2.01 Number of Grade R/Foundation phase learners trained in relevant qualifications 2.02 Number of primary and secondary teachers trained who enrol in subject content and ICT skills Number of Teachers in full service schools trained in special needs programmes 2.04 Number of TVET lecturers and managers enrolled in relevant programmes Programme 3- Capacitate those involved in public service administration functions that have direct impact on education and training with necessary skills to perform their duties 3.03 Number of national, provincial and district officials enrolled in relevant programmes Programme 4- Provide career development services,increase access to occupationally directed programmes and to provide youth with workplace learning and experience for employability 4.02 Number of students awarded bursaries for full qualification

3. Considerations for Portfolio Committees for performance monitoring APP aligns with NDP and white paper on post school education Adequate resources (human and financial) available to achieve APPs? Are the targets realistic ? S M A R T Ask ‘how’ the entities will achieve the APPs e.g. Performance contracts/ monitoring Portfolio Committee should review quarterly progress against the APP targets Portfolio Committee should review the annual achievement against APP targets Portfolio Committee should track any changes to the APP

4.1 Budget analysis - DHET Comparison between current year and previous year

4.1 Budget analysis – DHET (cont.) Budget vs Employee Costs Economic classification Higher Education Budgets

4.1 Budget analysis – DHET (cont.) Compensation of employees Medium-term expenditure estimate R’000 Increase % 2014/152015/16 Administration % Human Resource Development, Planning and Monitoring Coordination % University Education % Vocational and Continuing Education and Training % Skills Development % Total %

4.2 Budget analysis - SETAs Legislative limits Admin expenditure: 10% Mandatory grants: 20% Discretionary grants: o 70% of which maximum of 7.5% can be allocated to project admin costs o 80% to be allocated for pivotal grants Government levies Currently still voluntary contributions Utilisation of government levies up to discretion of SETAs o 100% for discretionary grants (DG) o 100% for admin expenditure o Combination To analyse financial statements of prior years’ to identify government levies received and usage by SETAs

4.2 Budget analysis - SETAs Comparison between current year and previous year * Budgeted information excludes CATHSETA as the budget for 2015/16 was not available

4.3 Budget analysis - NSFAS Comparison between current year and previous year

4.4 Budget analysis - NSF Comparison between current year and previous year

4.4 Budget analysis - QCTO Comparison between current year and previous year

4.4 Budget analysis - CHE Comparison between current year and previous year * The 2014/15 budget included a roll-over of R12,971 million

4.4 Budget analysis - SAQA Comparison between current year and previous year * The 2014/15 budget included a roll-over of R121,957 million