Matthew Stites Ben Scott Start game Search and Destroy: LJ vs Civ
You are the champion quick-scoper in the final round of the Call of Duty Search and Destroy tournament at E3 of the Future The final match goes back to the classic title Black Ops 2. This game will determine who gets the 1,000,000$ cash prize at stake. The objective of the game is one team (Merc) has 2 minutes to plant a bomb at Bomb Site A or Bomb Site B or kill all of the members of the opposing team. The objective of the other team (Seals) are to defend the bomb sites at all costs, either by diffusing the bomb, or killing all of the opposing members of the team. Continue The Match of a Lifetime
There are two teams playing in this tournament; The L3ATH3L JOk3rS (LJ), lead by RumPULL 6Skinz, and CIVILIANN (Civ), lead by Civ Direct. You are Xx_RonMcDon_xX Which team are you? The L3ATH3L JOk3rS The L3ATH3L JOk3rS or CIVILIANN CIVILIANN
You are (LJ) Xx_RonMcDon_xX. After 6 rounds, the game is tied at 3-3. This is the final match. Whoever wins, will get 1,000,000$. You spawn in as a Merc. When the game starts, you pick up the bomb. You can either rush the Alley or stay in the Patio. Option A- Rush Alley or Option B- Stay in PatioRush AlleyStay in Patio
You see a sniper in the distance. You try to scope in but you are dead before you can press your trigger. You have died. After watching your team lose, you are sad that you lost the million. Try again? Try Again
When you get to the patio, you think someone I around the corner. You have to move quickly to a new position. You can either rush Bomb Site A or you can rush to the Green Car on the right side. Option A- Rush to Bomb Site A or Option B- Rush to the Green CarRush to Bomb Site ARush to the Green Car
An enemy shotgunner turns the corner. You are blindsided and panic. The shotgunner has no trouble getting the kill. You have died After watching your team lose, you are sad that you lost the million. Try Again? Try Again
A shotgunner careens around the corner and rushes towards A. You scope him and get the kill easily. YSS Gaming, another member of your team, also gets a kill on the other side of the map. He screams in enjoyment. You see no one in front of you, but you hear footsteps. There is a clear path to Bomb Site B. What will you do? Option A- Stay at the Green Car or Option B- Rush Bomb Site BStay at the Green CarRush Bomb Site B
A guy turns down the alley in front of you. He tries to get in cover, but you take the shot before he is able to. Two members of your team dies in a collateral. They yell in disgust. Your team mates tell you that someone jumped out of the window and is at Bomb Site A. You can either risk getting killed at Site A by planting the bomb or try getting to Site B by taking the side alley. Option A- Plant at Bomb Site A or Option B- Rush the Side Alley towards Site B.Plant at Bomb Site ARush the Side Alley towards Site B
When you get to Bomb Site B, you realize that someone is following you. You turn around and see someone flying out of the window. You panic and take a shot, but you miss. On his first shot, he hits you and gets the kill. You have died. After watching your team lose, you are sad that you lost the million. Try Again? Try Again
You decide to plant anyway. Half way through planting the bomb, you find that the sniper your team mates warned you about is there. He pulls out his secondary and headshots you. You died. After watching your team lose, you are sad that you lost the million. Try Again? Try Again
No one is there. Nervously, you go towards Bomb Site B. Go to the Bomb Site
Across the map, you can tell someone just died as you run into the garage. Even though you have the bomb, you still feel really nervous about your positioning. You can either plant the bomb at the site or run out of the garage. Option A- Plant at Bomb site or Option B- Run out garagePlant at Bomb siteRun out garage
You call for cover as you plant the bomb. You realize that there is a guy coming in the garage, the last enemy. You retreat the plant and turn yourself around so you have cover behind the site. After pulling a secondary, you realize that you have just won the million dollars. Your team cheers and yells in happiness, as does the fans watching. The CIVILIANN clan, saddened by the loss, still congratulates you on the close win. You have won MVP of the match. Congratulations. This is one of the two winning endings you can achieve. Would you care to try again? Try Again
When you run out of the garage, you notice a guy rushing towards the bomb site. You panic and try to take the shot, but you miss. He pulls a secondary and you instantly get killed. After watching your team lose, you are sad that you lost the million. Try Again? Try Again? Try Again?
You are (Civ) Xx_RonMcDon_xX. After 6 rounds, the game is tied at 3-3. This is the final match. Whoever wins, will get 1,000,000$. You spawn in as a Seal. When the game starts, you have a decision to make. You can either rush to Boxes, or take the alley. Option A- Rush Boxes Or Option B- Rush down the alleyRush BoxesRush down the alley
Once you get to boxes, you see an enemy rushing down the opposite alley. You scope in and easily get the kill. Another enemy curves around the bus and starts heading for A, getting ready to plant. What do you do? Option A- Stay at Boxes Or Option B- Rush to Bomb Site AStay at BoxesRush to Bomb Site A
After rushing down the alley, you realize that that there is a camper at the green car. Narrowly, you go back behind the house. After consideration, there were two choices. Option A- Snipe inside of the house Or Option B- Rush the Green CarSnipe inside of the houseRush the Green Car
After camping at the box, you realize that the enemy that was at Bomb Site A rushed the box also. Because you were focused on the alley, you had no chance. You have died. After watching your team lose, you are sad that you lost the million. Try Again?
After you rush to A, the guy that you say rushed the corner with a secondary out. You are blindsided with a hailstorm of bullets. You have died. After watching your team lose, you are sad that you lost the million. Try Again?
You turned the corner and the guy is still there. He snipes, and you die. After watching your team lose, you are sad that you lost the million. Try Again?
A guy runs around the busses and you get an easy snipe. In order for you to advance, you must jump out of the window. After you jump out of the window, you can either Rush to Bomb Site A or Bomb Site B. Option A- Rush Bomb A Or Option B- Rush Bomb BRush Bomb ARush Bomb B
When you rush Bomb B, you notice an enemy planting the bomb. He reveals himself, pulls a secondary, and kills you. After watching your team lose, you are sad that you lost the million. Try Again? Try Again
After rushing A, you get there and realize there is someone planting. You easily pull your secondary and get the kill. After he is dead, you have no idea where anyone is. What will you do? Option A- Camp Bomb Site A Or Option B- Go Around the bus looking for troubleCamp Bomb Site AGo Around the bus looking for trouble
When you camp A, an enemy comes behind you. You try a turn, but he hits the shot before you can face him. You are dead After watching your team lose, you are sad that you lost the million. Try Again? Try Again
You retreat around the bus. After turning your back, you realize there is another enemy rushing Bomb Site A. You easily get the kill. After you get this kill, you see the last enemy rushing Bomb Site B. What do you do? Option A- Follow or Option B- Go for a Long Range ShotFollowGo for a Long Range Shot
After you follow him, he turns around. You shriek because you were not ready. He hits the noscope and you get rekt. You have died. After watching your team lose, you are sad that you lost the million. Try Again? Try Again
The Long Range shot seemed very long, but you hit. You have won.. Your team cheers and yells in happiness, as does the fans watching. The L3ATH3L JoK3rS clan, saddened by the loss, still congratulates you on the close win. You have won MVP of the match. Congratulations. This is one of the two winning endings you can achieve. Would you care to try again? Try Again