C ULTURAL C ORNER A typical English house
W ORK IN PAIRS. A SK QUESTIONS ABOUT YOUR PARTNER ' S BEDROOM A: Is there a desk in your bedroom? B: Yes, there is. A: Where exactly is it? B: It is under the window next to my bed.
C HECK YOUR HOMETASK Describe your bedroom
E X.2, P. 51 Look at the picture and the title of the text ex.2, p.51. What is it about? Think of five words you expect to find in the text. Read the text and fill in the missing words. Study Skills Внимательно прочитай информацию, которая дана до и после пропуска и определи, какой частью речи является пропущенное слово.
L ISTEN AND CHECK 1. is 2. have 3. in 4. the 5. and
E X.3, P. 51 Make notes under the headings: type, inside, outside, special features. For example: 1. Type: semi-detached, flat, cottage 2. Inside: living room, kitchen, hall 3. Outside: front/back garden, garage 4. Special features: fireplace, attic Tell the class about John‘s house.
E X.4, P. 51 Read and complete the plan below. Tell the class about your house using the headings. For example: 1. Type: semi-detached, flat, cottage 2. Inside: living room, kitchen, hall 3. Outside: front/back garden, garage 4. Special features: fireplace, attic
T HANK YOU FOR YOUR WORK Open your diaries and write down your home task: 1. WB p Give me your workbooks and copybooks.