Companion Lectures For Progressive Community Organizing in a Globalizing World By Loretta Pyles Copyright © 2014, Loretta Pyles. From Progressive Community Organizing: Reflective Practice in a Globalizing World, 2 nd Edition, by Loretta Pyles. New York: Routledge.
Chapter 6 organizing constituents Empowerment, accountability, relationships and social change are key considerations when organizing constituentsEmpowerment, accountability, relationships and social change are key considerations when organizing constituents Organizing people involves three phases: Recruiting and engaging new members Keeping current members inspired and engaged Deepening member participation (Mondros & Wilson, 1994) Copyright © 2014, Loretta Pyles. From Progressive Community Organizing: Reflective Practice in a Globalizing World, 2 nd Edition, by Loretta Pyles. New York: Routledge.
Chapter 6 relational meetings Develops a public relationship Centers on the spirit and values of the other person Requires special focus beyond an ordinary conversation Entails stirring up the depths of the other Obliges a certain amount of vulnerability on both sides Bridges the barriers of race, religion, class, gender, and politics Is an art form that takes unique skills and time to develop (Chambers, 2003) Copyright © 2014, Loretta Pyles. From Progressive Community Organizing: Reflective Practice in a Globalizing World, 2 nd Edition, by Loretta Pyles. New York: Routledge.
Chapter 6 questions about accountability in social service organizations Who supervises your work? Are you involved in community-based social justice struggles? Is political struggle part of the work you do? Are you in a contentious relationship with those in power? Are you sharing access to power and resources with those on the frontlines of the struggle? Do you help people come together? (Kivel, 2007) Copyright © 2014, Loretta Pyles. From Progressive Community Organizing: Reflective Practice in a Globalizing World, 2 nd Edition, by Loretta Pyles. New York: Routledge.
Chapter 6 coalition building A coalition is a group of organizations and individuals that work together on a common social issue to change a particular policy or practice, usually focused on a specific campaign Coalitions exist on a spectrum from S ustainable collaborations to Relationships of convenience Copyright © 2014, Loretta Pyles. From Progressive Community Organizing: Reflective Practice in a Globalizing World, 2 nd Edition, by Loretta Pyles. New York: Routledge.
Chapter 6 coalition building Considerations in coalition work: Membership, values, and politics Degree of formality Resources and infrastructure Power within the coalition (Sen, 2003) Copyright © 2014, Loretta Pyles. From Progressive Community Organizing: Reflective Practice in a Globalizing World, 2 nd Edition, by Loretta Pyles. New York: Routledge.
Chapter 6 Overcoming barriers to coalition work Substantive and philosophical differences…Substantive and philosophical differences… Can be overcome by finding common ground through a variety of mechanisms such as workshops, popular education groups, and by continuing to invite new members to coalition meetings Organizational and tactical differences…Organizational and tactical differences… Can be overcome by using the differences between organizations as strengths like the accountability that a grassroots organization offers or the resources that a national organization offersCan be overcome by using the differences between organizations as strengths like the accountability that a grassroots organization offers or the resources that a national organization offers Cultural differences…Cultural differences… Can be overcome by creating political spaces for dialogue, analysis, and direct action that deliberately and creatively acknowledges and respects different approaches which emerge from a variety of subject positions, histories, and political commitments Copyright © 2014, Loretta Pyles. From Progressive Community Organizing: Reflective Practice in a Globalizing World, 2 nd Edition, by Loretta Pyles. New York: Routledge.