Boudicca Ancient Briton (Celt) Tall and Beautiful, tawny hair Formidably Intelligent Determined and strong – piercing glare!
Roundhouses Warm Weatherproof repairable
Celtic tribes in Britain Ancient Britain not united country Divided into tribal areas Boudicca belonged to the Iceni Romans successfully invaded in AD 43
Prasutagus’ agreement
Abuse of Boudicca and her daughters In Roman law women cannot rule or inherit When Prasutagus died in AD60, Romans took everything from Boudicca Beat and abused Boudicca and her daughters
Boudicca as a warrior Queen Revenge! Death to Rome!! Arrrrrgggggghh!
Burning cities Boudicca’s forces burned Camulodunum (Colchester) and destroyed the temple of Claudius Celts charged on to destroy other important Roman cities
Map of burned cities Boudicca ‘s forces defeated Legion IX marching to defend cities Londinium (London) destroyed Verulamium (St Albans) destroyed But easier because most of Roman army were far away in Wales
The final battle Diagram
Boudicca’s Legacy Boudicca’s rebellion nearly forced the Romans to leave Britain Romans then treated Britons with more respect Boudicca seen as a symbol of British strength against invaders Inspiration for women to be strong and respected leaders