Kitchen and Food Safety
What can you do to prevent a food borne illness?
Clean – Hands Wash with warm water and soap for at least 20 seconds – Food Wash foods like fruits and vegetables to remove pesticides or other potential contaminants. – Tools and cooking surfaces. Thoroughly clean all surfaces and disinfect with a solution of bleach water when necessary. – 1 T. Bleach – 1 gal. of Water
What can you do to prevent a food borne illness?
Separate Separate foods that are potentially contaminated from foods that are clean/ready to eat. – Contaminated foods Raw meat, fish Uncooked/unwashed fruits/vegetables Uncooked eggs and egg shells Any food that has come in contact with other contaminated food and/or surface.
What can you do to prevent a food borne illness?
Cook Cook foods thoroughly to kill bacteria that may cause food borne illness. Use a meat thermometer to be safe. – Warning! “pink” (ground meat) Meat juices are not clear Translucent or shiny instead of solid color (chicken) Fish does not flake
What can you do to prevent a food borne illness?
Chill Avoid keeping perishable foods in the danger zone. – Bacteria can grow/multiply if left out for more than 2 hours. – Thaw food in the refrigerator, NOT the countertop. – Freezing does NOT kill bacteria (just slows it dramatically) – Use multiple containers to refrigerate large amounts of food.
Food Storage Tips Fresh meat (roast/steaks) will keep fresh for 3-4 days. Fresh fish, poultry and ground meat will keep for 1- 2 days. Properly packaged meat can last for months in the freezer. Canned goods are best stored at room temperature. Once a food’s packaging has been opened it should be cooked immediately. Canned foods should be used within 1 year. Don’t forget to rotate foods-- use the oldest foods first.
Shopping Tips When shopping always check the dates on packaging. – Know the differences between Use – by date Sell - by date Make sure all dairy products are pasteurized. If a refrigerated food does not feel cold, don’t buy it. Buy cold and frozen food last. Buy fish and other foods that are directly on ice. If you notice any odd odors or colors, do not buy. Make sure cans are not dented or bulging.
What to do in case of a grease fire