25 Years of AIDS – The Global Response 16 August 2006 XVI International AIDS Conference Toronto
Global HIV prevalence in adults, 1985 UNAIDS/WHO, 2006
Global HIV prevalence in adults, 1995 UNAIDS/WHO, 2006
Global HIV prevalence in adults, 2005 UNAIDS/WHO, 2006
25 years of responding to AIDS First cases of unusual immune deficiency are identified among gay men in the USA, and a new deadly disease noticed The Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) is identified as the cause of AIDS Scientists develop the first treatment regimen to reduce mother-to-child transmission of HIV Brazil becomes the first developing country to provide antiretroviral therapy through its public health system WHO and UNAIDS launch the "3 x 5" initiative with the goal of reaching 3 million people in developing world with antiretroviral therapy by 2005 The first HIV antibody test becomes available In Africa, a heterosexual AIDS epidemic is revealed Highly Active Antiretroviral Treatment launched The World Health Organization launches the Global Programme on AIDS Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) is defined for the first time The first therapy for AIDS — zidovudine, or AZT — is approved for use in the USA Global Network of People living with HIV/AIDS (GNP+) (then International Steering Committee of People Living with HIV/AIDS) founded Drug Access Initiative is launched in Africa International AIDS Conference in Durban The Global Fund to fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria launched The UN General Assembly Special Session on HIV/AIDS In , HIV prevalence in Uganda and in Thailand begins to decrease, the first major downturn in the epidemic in developing countries UNAIDS is created Millions ‘812005‘82‘83‘84‘85‘86‘87‘88‘89‘90‘91‘92‘93‘94‘95‘96‘97‘98‘99‘00‘01‘02‘03‘04 People living with HIV Children orphaned by AIDS in sub-Saharan Africa 2006 Report on the global AIDS epidemic (UNAIDS, 2006) President Bush announces PEPFAR
Projet SIDA
25 years of responding to AIDS First cases of unusual immune deficiency are identified among gay men in the USA, and a new deadly disease noticed The Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) is identified as the cause of AIDS Scientists develop the first treatment regimen to reduce mother-to-child transmission of HIV Brazil becomes the first developing country to provide antiretroviral therapy through its public health system WHO and UNAIDS launch the "3 x 5" initiative with the goal of reaching 3 million people in developing world with antiretroviral therapy by 2005 The first HIV antibody test becomes available In Africa, a heterosexual AIDS epidemic is revealed Highly Active Antiretroviral Treatment launched The World Health Organization launches the Global Programme on AIDS Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) is defined for the first time The first therapy for AIDS — zidovudine, or AZT — is approved for use in the USA Global Network of People living with HIV/AIDS (GNP+) (then International Steering Committee of People Living with HIV/AIDS) founded Drug Access Initiative is launched in Africa International AIDS Conference in Durban The Global Fund to fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria launched The UN General Assembly Special Session on HIV/AIDS In , HIV prevalence in Uganda and in Thailand begins to decrease, the first major downturn in the epidemic in developing countries UNAIDS is created Millions ‘812005‘82‘83‘84‘85‘86‘87‘88‘89‘90‘91‘92‘93‘94‘95‘96‘97‘98‘99‘00‘01‘02‘03‘04 People living with HIV Children orphaned by AIDS in sub-Saharan Africa 2006 Report on the global AIDS epidemic (UNAIDS, 2006) President Bush announces PEPFAR
Total annual resources available for AIDS 1986 ‒ US$ million Signing of Declaration of Commitment on HIV/AIDS, UNGASS Less than US$ 1 million World Bank MAP launch Global Fund PEPFAR 257 [i] data: Extracted from 2006 Report on the global AIDS epidemic (UNAIDS, 2006) [ii] data: AIDS in the World II. Edited by Jonathan Mann and Daniel J. M. Tarantola (1996) Notes:[1] figures are for international funds only [2] Domestic funds are included from 2001 onwards UNAIDS
HIV prevalence (%) among pregnant women attending antenatal clinics in sub-Saharan countries with prevalence decline, 1997/98 ‒ Report on the global AIDS epidemic (UNAIDS, 2006) Kenya Zimbabwe Burkina Faso Uganda 1997 ‒ ‒ Median HIV prevalence (%)
North Africa and the Middle East Europe and Central Asia East, South and South-East Asia Latin America and the Caribbean Sub-Saharan Africa End 2002 Mid End 2003 Mid End 2004 Mid End 2005 People receiving therapy (thousands) Number of people on antiretroviral therapy in low- and middle-income countries, 2002 ‒ Report on the global AIDS epidemic (UNAIDS, 2006)
Planning and acting for success: LeadershipFunding Making the money work Social change: Tackle the structural drivers of the epidemic Research & Development
Maintaining the exceptionality of AIDS – but at the core of development agendas not outside