28/01/101 Zvv bkg, how to get an estimate with first data ? R. Brunelière Time schedule is tight. Goal : get an estimate by may/june if we get data from end february Need to organize ourselves to make sure all topics are covered
28/01/102 Zvv signal MC samples: alpgen full simulation samples at 10 TeV are existing : alpgen samples at 7 TeV being generated at freiburg => then official mc request alpgen matching uncertainties samples have been generated at freiburg at 10 TeV NLO MCFM production can be done for 1,2jets with new MCFM version 5.7 Objet and event selection cuts are defined by etmiss group Our data-driven methods should work for any set of cut, but need starting point for studies. Propose to concentrate : 1.On 2-jets channel checking it works on the different discriminating variables ( , ,MT2,MCT,HTmiss). Also because 2jets channel is only one where theory uncertainties can be fully studied and Wlv bkg is less sensitive to ttbar contribution. 2.Same exercise on 4jets channel
28/01/103 The different control samples List of possible control samples : Zmumu Zee Wlv (l=mu,e) Gamma (both prompt unconverted and converted photons) Any other ? Difficulty CS Statistics
28/01/104 Zll control sample Basic idea : 2 methods : So-called “replace” method means N(Zll;data) applies same cuts as N(Zvv;data) including M eff cut So-called “MC” method means N(Zll;data) applies only preselection cuts. N(Zvv;data) predicted assuming MC is predicting correct M eff shape If M eff cut is too high, only “MC” method is possible with first data but requires good understanding of theory uncertainties (in particular NLO/LO M eff shape)
28/01/105 Z control sample (1/2) MC samples: alpgen full simulation samples at 10 TeV are existing : alpgen samples at 7 TeV already generated and requested by SM and top wg alpgen matching uncertainties samples have been generated at 10 TeV. Request for Atlfast1 being done now. NLO MCFM production done by James Buchanan at 10 TeV. Will probably redo later at 7 TeV. Objet and event selection cuts are defined by etmiss group, but can also start with Z/W+jets strawman selection for leptons : Trigger : mu10 + susy trigger to check trigger efficiency
28/01/106 Z control sample (2/2) Theory uncertainties on acceptance corrections: NLO/LO using MCFM for 1,2 jets Matching uncertainties using the different alpgen samples Pdf using pdf reweighting tool from Yusuke Turn on/off jimmy UE Are FSR introducing any bias ? Detector uncertainties : JES, soft MET, muon id efficiency uncertainties Is it enough to take lepton id corrections from Z/W+jets wg ? How much is QCD background ? How to estimate it ? How do we compute “MET” ? Pt( 1+ 2) or neutronification ? How much statistics+systematics uncertainties do we get after all preselection cuts ? After different Meff cut ? Suffers from statistics but benchmark channel for other control samples which can be cross-checked wrt Zmumu
28/01/107 Zee control sample Same as Z , but electrons are also reconstructed as jets : => Bias “other” jets reconstructed like when R(jet,elec) < 0.6. How big is this effect ? Can we remove the two electron clusters and redo jets (and MET) ? Can we use existing tools : embedding, jet/met, redecay, simpler method ? On AODs ? Cannot directly check susy trigger. Need looking at trigger objects, remove objects associated to offline electrons, check trigger chain again Not so easy to do. Can benefit again of work done in Z/W+jets wg (e.g. by Hugo and Caterina)
28/01/108 Wlv control sample (1/2) Method : Good points: Wlv has ~ same statistics as Zvv W/Z ratio very stable and hopefully well known (up to 2 jets) W/Z ratio is among first SM W/Z+jets paper => lot of work being done there Reversing method + using Zll can be used to predict Wlv background Bad points: For 3,4 jets, ttbar background very difficult to estimate (except via using b-tagging) For 3,4 jets, W/Z ratio no more predicted at NLO. Can we still trust it ?
28/01/109 Wlv control sample (2/2) MC samples: alpgen full simulation samples at 10 TeV are existing : alpgen samples at 7 TeV already generated and requested by SM and top wg alpgen matching uncertainties samples have been generated at 10 TeV. Request for Atlfast1 being done now. NLO MCFM production done by myself at 10 TeV. Soon available on grid. Redo later at 7 TeV. Wev sample has same trouble as Zee. Easier to start with W Background rejection for 2jets ? How ? Who is already working on this topic ? Yusuke ?
28/01/1010 Prompt photon control sample Used by CMS for Zvv estimation. Statistics ~ Zvv. But tricky. MC samples: alpgen full simulation samples at 10 TeV are existing : but too small ! I have started generating alpgen samples at 7 TeV up to 5 jets. Already nearly done. In order to study theory uncertainty properly, photon fragmentation correction has to be included => use recent Sherpa : Amir proposal concerning background rejection + obj selection efficiency : make use of converted/unconverted rate not affecting final distributions. +jets/Zll+jets measurement and comparison with MC should be used as proof of feasibility
28/01/1011 Summary Proposal : start with 2jets analysis as proof of feasibility for the various methods Should quickly setup who is working on what to avoid duplicated effort Examples few topic uncovered till now : Theory systematics Background rejection (specially for Wlv) Prompt photon whole method Trigger emulation Concentrate myself to work on few topics : MC samples production/study Theory uncertainties (with MCFM/Alpgen/Sherpa)