NA62 Organisation of the work - proposal 2/24/20161PD/DT/PO-MH
NA62 – TC activities – Organisation of the work – proposals Integration team Experimental Area team Sub-system teams Design phaseInstallation phase Integration team Experimental Area team Sub-system teams 2/24/20162PD/DT/PO-MH
NA62 – Integration team– Design phase Tasks of the INTEGRATION team: -CATIA model and layout drawing of the NA62 experiment -Envelope models & Envelope drawings of individual sub-detectors -Check and agreement with ‘Beatch files’ AIM = All partners working to agreed layout & dimensions -Manage change requests in an official/agreed way -Manage CDD/EDMS/CATIA CAD files -Check that the individual parts can be fixed together = no clashes -Check with the surrounding environment – cavern & services -Studies of proximity services routing, support structures, access structures (in collaboration with Experimental area team). -Installation studies 2/24/20163PD/DT/PO-MH
NA62 – Experimental Area team– Design phase Tasks of the EXPERIMENTAL AREA team: -Scheduling of the design and installation phases of the work - Liason with CERN groups for the provision of services: WATER, COOLING, GAS, VACUUM, VENTILATION, ELECTRICITY, CRYOGENICS, VACUUM, etc. Studies of external services routing by the CERN groups: support structures, access structures (in collaboration with Integration team). - Design of the Beamline /Liason with the machine - Study of the Beam dump. - Together with the GLIMOS, the planning of the work incorporating the safety aspects and conformity with CERN rules: work package descriptions, procedures, etc. - Arranging/Organising the removal of NA60 - Study of MNP33 Magnet displacement - TSO of Experimental area and buildings. 2/24/20164PD/DT/PO-MH
NA62 – Sub-detector teams– Design phase Tasks of the SUB-SYSTEM teams: -The conceptual and detailed design of the DELIVERABLES = SUB-SYSTEMS. In accordance with the agreed envelopes (Integration team). - Managing envelope changes in an agreed way (Change request procedure). - Working in accordance with the agreed schedule (Experimental Area team). - Working together with the integration team for the exchange of CAD models, installation studies, cross-checks. - Detailed assembly and installation studies of the sub-detectors. 2/24/20165PD/DT/PO-MH
NA62 – Integration team– Installation phase Tasks of the INTEGRATION team: -Installation study cross-checks for the sub-systems -Detailed design, supply and installation of any missing parts (services, supports, etc) -Follow-up in the cavern of installation studies -Manage change requests in an official/agreed way -Manage CDD/EDMS/CATIA CAD files 2/24/20166PD/DT/PO-MH
NA62 – Experimental Area team– Installation phase Tasks of the EXPERIMENTAL AREA team: -Scheduling and progress tracking of the work - Installation of external services / Liason with the CERN groups for the installation of services: WATER, COOLING, GAS, VACUUM, VENTILATION, ELECTRICITY, CRYOGENICS, VACUUM….. - Together with the GLIMOS, the planning of the work incorporating the safety aspects and conformity with CERN rules: installation procedure descriptions (work package analysis WPA’s ), procedures, etc. The management of the WPA’s: documents, approval procedures, realisation. - Manage the installation of the experiment (together with the TC & GLIMOS) - MNP33 Magnet : displacement, integration & services - Manage the technical assistance (technicians, travelling crane operators, surveyors..) - Installation and the setting up of the beamline -Liason with the machine -Realisation of the beam dump -TSO of the Experimental Area and buildings. 2/24/20167PD/DT/PO-MH
NA62 – Sub-detector teams– Installation phase Tasks of the SUB-SYSTEM teams: - Working in accordance with the agreed schedule (Experimental Area team). - The writing of installation procedures (WPA’s) that describe: what work has to be executed, when it needs to be done, how it will be done (manpower and tooling), what safety measures will be taken, etc. - Interacting with the Experimental area team to prepare for, and obtain approval of, the installation procedures (WPA’s). - All workers to attend CERN safety training courses (in order to obtain access, etc). -Providing the sub-detectors on the agreed dates and with the agreed means (manpower and tooling) to execute the work in accordance with the approved procedures. Respecting the safety rules. - Attendance at progress meetings. 2/24/20168PD/DT/PO-MH