HBr Energetics agust,www,....hbr/PPT ak.ppt agust, heima,...HBr/XLS ak.xls
: Bond Dissociation Energies BondBond Energy (kj/mol) H—H432 H—F565 H—Cl427 H—Br363 BondD (kJ/mol)r (pm) H-Br he bond dissociation energy of HBr (88 kcal∕mole) H & H: D00 = eV = cm-1
agust, heima,...HBr/XLS ak.xls HBr D: 363kJ mol-1http:// cm-1 362kJ mol-1http:// kcal mol-1http://jcp.aip.org/resource/1/jcpsa6/v56/i6/p2713_s1?isAuthorized=no eVH&H book cm-1 ca.30300cm-1 f1:8.36E+01cm-1 / (kJ mol-1) f2:3.50E+02cm-1 / (kcal mol-1) f3: cm-1/eV E(4P; 5s) = cm IE=11.68eV Energetics IE= cm-1 IE(Br)= cm-1 E(S/O;Br)= cm-1 E(H+Br*(1/2)) = E(H+Br+ + e)= IE(H) = E(H+ + e + Br) EA(Br) = eVhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electron_affinity_%28data_page% cm-1 E(H+ + Br-)=
30 k 60 k 90 k H + Br30300 cm H + Br**(4P;5s) Lowest energy Br** HBr + + e; cm -1 H + Br*(1/2) cm-1 H + Br H + + Br Total scan range for HBr H + + Br cm k (1) (2) (3) (n) = number of photons
NIST: HBr Br NIST: IE(Br) = cm-1 NIST:
Comments: The threshold cm -1 a mentioned in slide 4 could be the major reason for The large I(Br+)/I(HBr+) ratio observed for: 1)E(v´=3), 0 = cm -1 see: 2)H(v´=2), 0 = cm -1 see: What are the IR for V(m+14) and higher V levels like???? Are these perhaps showing negligible HBr+ signals?! I can not find REMPI spectra for this region. Where do I find processed REMPI spectra for 0 > cm -1 ? a: that energy corresponds to a threshold, - below which four photons are needed to form Br+ (i.e. (2r + 2i) REMPI) and - above which three photons are needed to form Br+ (i.e. (2r + 1i) REMPI
30 k 60 k 90 k H + Br30300 cm H + Br**(4P;5s) Lowest energy Br** HBr + + e; cm -1 H + Br*(1/2) cm -1 H + Br H + + Br Total scan range for HBr H + + Br cm k (1) (2) (3) (n) = number of photons 3 photons are needed to ionize Br and Br* in the excitation region
Fig. 1 for HBr-FvsV-paper: