Reading Response Journals Mrs. Terry, 7th Grade Language Arts
Objective: Throughout this quarter, you will be writing in response to the independent novel that you have selected. The journals will be based on different literary elements that we are learning in class. Each journal entry must include a direct passage (also called a quote or an excerpt) from the book that demonstrates that particular literary element. Each response should also weave in textual evidence. Journal entries will be evaluated weekly. After they are scored, you will have the option to revise and edit to improve your score, but for each entry you wish to revise, you must complete an action plan that must be signed by you, your parent, and me.
Journal 1: Making Connections Objectives: By the end of the lesson, each student will be able to connect information and events in the story to their own experiences in a response journal entry that will be evaluated using a standards-based rubric. Journal responses include textual evidence to support ideas and inferences about the text (RL 1).
Making Connections The story “Seventh Grade” by Gary Soto, is about the first day of middle school for Victor Rodriguez. You may not have much in common with Victor. For example, I am not a 12-year-old Mexican-American boy growing up in California with a huge crush on a girl named Teresa. However, I can still make connections with some of Victor’s experiences on his first day of school. I remember feeling nervous and excited, and I know how it feels to be embarrassed. Other things you might connect with are the friendship between Victor and Michael, doing something to impress someone, setting a goal, and realizing that teachers are human too.
Activity Skim through the story “Seventh Grade” by Gary Soto Find three passages (a phrase or sentence) from the story that you can relate to. Use the graphic organizer handout to record these connections. Link: Making Connections to “Seventh Grade” by Gary Soto
Practice Assignment: Select one of the passages from the “Making Connections” chart you completed yesterday. Draw a line down the middle of the next available page of your composition book or on a sheet of notebook paper. Include these headings: Left Side: Text Right Side: Response Copy the passage from your chart on the left side. On the right side, follow my example to write a response that explains how you relate to that passage, using more details, elaboration, and development than you wrote on your chart. “Weave in” evidence from your passage or elsewhere in the text to support what you are saying (see my example).
Making Connections Journal Text Response “In homeroom, roll was taken, emergency cards were passed out, and they were given a bulletin to take home to their parents. The principal, Mr. Belton, spoke over the crackling loudspeaker, welcoming the students to a new year, new experiences, and new friendships. The students squirmed in their chairs and ignored him” (Soto1). I chose this passage because Victor’s homeroom experience reminds me of the first day of school this year. Even though Victor is describing it from a student’s perspective, I can relate to the chaos and the excitement of the first day of school, even as a teacher. My students often wiggle and squirm in their seats and ignore me when I’m talking. I don’t take it personally; I know that they are just nervous and excited. In addition, in the story, Mr. Belton, the school principal, makes an announcement to welcome the students. At our school, Mr. Anderson does the same thing. We also send several “bulletins” home to parents on the first day of school. Finally, just like in the story, the new school year at Highland Lakes also brings new experiences and new friendships, for students and teachers as well.
Making Connections Practice Example with textual evidence color coded Response “In homeroom, roll was taken, emergency cards were passed out, and they were given a bulletin to take home to their parents. The principal, Mr. Belton, spoke over the crackling loudspeaker, welcoming the students to a new year, new experiences, and new friendships. The students squirmed in their chairs and ignored him” (Soto1). I chose this passage because Victor’s homeroom experience reminds me of the first day of school this year. Even though Victor is describing it from a student’s perspective, I can relate to the chaos and the excitement of the first day of school, even as a teacher. My students often wiggle and squirm in their seats and ignore me when I’m talking. I don’t take it personally; I know that they are just nervous and excited. In addition, in the story, Mr. Belton, the school principal, makes an announcement to welcome the students. At our school, Mr. Mitcham does the same thing. We also send several “bulletins” home to parents on the first day of school. Finally, just like in the story, the new school year at Central Middle School also brings new experiences and new friendships, for students and teachers as well.
Making Connections Final Assessment Now you will create a journal entry using your first quarter independent reading book. Find a passage from your book that you can relate to for whatever reason. You may use an ellipsis (…) to omit necessary words or phrases from your text passage. Your passage may be dialogue or narration. Following your text passage, be sure to include the author’s last name and page number in parenthesis, this is called a citation. In your response column, explain the connection you have to the text. Be sure to weave in details from the passage to provide evidence for your ideas. Fully elaborate for the best chance at earning a ten!
Level Score Description Exceeds 10 The student far exceeds the expectation of the standard by demonstrating a high level of insight, ability, and critical thinking. 9.3 The student demonstrates mastery of the standard and demonstrates some degree of advanced insight, ability, and critical thinking. Meets 8.5 The student meets the standard by demonstrating proficient mastery of the standard through accurate completion of the task and/or a clear and consistent understanding of the concept. 7.7 The student is approaching mastery of the standard, but has not yet demonstrated a clear and consistent understanding of the topic. Approa-ches 7 The student demonstrates a basic understanding of the task or concept, but does not demonstrate mastery of the standard. Falls Far Below 5 The student does not demonstrate an understanding of the task or concept and/or falls far below the expectations of the standard. MI/INC 4.9 The student chose not to complete this assignment.