Progress Report First Quarter
Progress Report First Quarter Safe & Orderly
By May 2009, each middle school and high school will demonstrate a 10% reduction in the number of out-of-school (OSS) suspensions, as demonstrated by the safe and orderly student data from each school site. By August 10, 2008, 100% of the school representatives will receive training on the alignment of the student discipline matrix and the referral process. By December 2008, 100% of the elementary, middle, and high schools will be aligned in their use of the student discipline matrix and the appropriate referral procedures. By December 2008, 100% of the school site will have a description of behavior intervention options available for students. SMART Goals
Safe & Orderly Goal 1: 5 of 8 secondary schools have met goal thus far; 3 secondary schools have not met the goal. Decreases in OSS Apollo: 40% decrease Chaparral: 23% decrease Lauffer: 77% decrease Sierra: 51% decrease DVHS: 39% decrease SSHS: 93% increase STAR: Numbers too small to measure accurately Progress first quarter Note: More accurate recording of student discipline data may impact numbers in 08-09
Safe & Orderly Progress first quarter Goal 2: Met. 100% school sites represented in trainings regarding district discipline matrix and referral procedures. Power point provided to all sites. Goal 3: Met. District discipline matrix aligned for all sites and to ADE student discipline reporting system (in preparation for required implementation in ) Goal 4: In development.
Safe & Orderly Additional actions & activities An additional safety monitor added to Sierra Middle School. Two additional safety staff will be hired to serve as roving monitors. One additional truancy officer hired for the secondary schools. In collaboration with the Pima County Juvenile Court, Sunnyside is sharing the cost of two probation officers, who will work with court involved students at all secondary schools. Additional revisions made to District Student Discipline Handbook District and community forums on school safety District security team for winter break and summer vacation.
Safe & Orderly By December 15, 2008, the Student Services Department will complete a power point presentation and accompanying guide on violence and gang prevention to be used by secondary schools in the advisory period. By December 15, 2009, 100% of designated employee groups will have received training on gang awareness and district procedures regarding student discipline for gang activity and imitation (Administrators, Prevention/Intervention staff, Monitors, PIAs, and Transportation staff). By February 1, 2009, 100% of school site administrators and designated incident command staff who are new to their roles or new to the district will complete the required incident command training. By May, 2009, 100% of the schools will cite at least two discipline options other than OSS that will be implemented in the fall of 2009 (options may include after-school detention, in-school suspension, Saturday detention/community service, etc.) By December 2009, 100% of secondary schools will demonstrate a 5% decrease in OSS and a 5% increase in the use of other discipline options, as compared with December 2008 student discipline data. New SMART Goals
Progress/Achievements on New SMART Goals Goal 1:In progress—50% complete Goal 2: In progress—80% complete. Training for Transportation staff pending. Goal 3: In progress—dates of training scheduled for January, Goal 4: In development (5 of 8 secondary schools have met this goal thus far). Goal 5: In development.