Musica Latina Latin Music Webquest
Introduction You are an executive at a major record label called “Laranaloca Records”. You are in charge of finding a big Latin Music star for your label. You need to create a portfolio about a musician or group that you can present to the board of executives. Include: music style, pictures, history, influences (sounds like). That promote your musician/s. Use the following websites to help you find the band.
Your Job Work with a partner to create a PowerPoint presentation about a musician from the Spanish speaking world. Presentation should have at least 5 slides Use web resources to find information about a musician or group. Present / Pitch your musician to the class
Process Intro Slide Names of group members Name of the Musician / Band you are researching Slide 1 Artist description – Group / individual, Male / Female Picture Slide 2 Style - Pop, rock, soloist, techno, flamenco, celtic, o regional Research – research the style of music and write about how it influences the artist
Process Slide 3 History – Year of 1st album, Number of released albums, connections to other groups Awards – Nominations or awards for music / famous songs / platinum discs Slide 4 Web – Include official artist website Link website Slide 5 Your Pitch- write a paragraph and prepare to present why you like this artist. EXTRA Audio – Link some audio to your presentation (if posible)
Resources (bands) Caravanmusic AOL latin music Batanga La musica Spanish Music La Ritmo (Spanish Site)
Resources (history) Latin American Music Caravanmusic Google
Rubric WEBQUEST – Art and Culture of the Hispanic World Rubric 5 Slides Slides with text, transitions, and images All slides 8-7 Most Slides 6-5 Some Slides 4-3 Few Slides 2-1 Did not do assignmnet Cover All Topics name of artist, songs, style of music / history, pictures 10-9 All elements 8-7 Most elements 6-5 Some elements 4-3 Few elements 2-1 No elements On Task Making good use of time on project Always on task 8-7 Mostly on task 6-5 Sometimes on task 4-3 Little time on task 2-1 Not on task Partner Participation Working well with partner, sharing work. 5 Excellent Participation 4 Good Participation 3 Average Participation 2 Below Average Participation 1 Poor Participation Listening Participation Listening to Project presentations 5 Excellent Participation 4 Good Participation 3 Average Participation 2 Below Average Participation 1 Poor Participation