Hear All Protecting Your Hearing for an Audible Tomorrow
Causes of Hearing Loss Exposure to very loud noises over a long period of time (everyday sounds) Aging Viral or bacterial infections Exhaustion
Understanding Volume Normal conversation is around 40db-60db Each increase on the scale represents a tenfold increase in loudness. Tinnitus is the most common hearing loss symptom and the easiest to treat. Customer Satisfaction Value Service
Existing Earplugs Only lessen (muffle) noise in environment Cause the wearer’s own voice to sound hollow Not made for more than one use Foam earplugs do not fit every individual Fitted earplugs are expensive
Hear All Provides protection and ability to create individual sound When turned off acts as a musicians earplug volume On/off bass treble equalizer
Preventative Aimed at a younger audience to preserve hearing There is no product available that protects hearing and can be used to control volume and sound- versatile and appeal to wide range of people Can be used by anyone wanting to protect their hearing Affordable
Summary of Survey Male- 6 Female- 5 Age- 19 Concert attendance- monthly Type of music- wide range Dislike of concert experience- crowds and loudness Most common side effect of noise- ringing High interest Average price range- $15-$30
Can You Hear That? Do you have difficulty hearing over the telephone? Can you follow conversation in a public area? Do you hear muffled sounds? Do you hear constant ringing or buzzing? Do certain words sound louder than others?