1 Strictly Private & Confidential Pro-Life Campaign Survey An Amárach Research Briefing JUNE 2013 © Amárach Research 2013 JUNE 2013 © Amárach Research 2013
2 Strictly Private & Confidential Background & Methodology Amárach Research was commissioned to conduct research into opinions about abortion and potential changes to Irish laws on abortion. A number of questions were added to our online survey comprising a quota- controlled, representative sample of 1,000 Irish adults in June This briefing summarises the survey findings, based on the weighted responses of those aged 18 and over (984 respondents).
3 Strictly Private & Confidential Suitable Treatment Q. If it were clearly shown that abortion is not a suitable treatment for a pregnant woman with suicidal feeling, how likely or unlikely would you be to support abortion on this ground?
4 Strictly Private & Confidential Conscience Vote Q. Should all political parties allow a free conscience vote for politicians on sensitive moral issues, like abortion, or require that all politicians vote in line with their party’s policy?
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