John Poynter
What is the focal point of the ad?
The first thing I noticed was the bloody nail in the infants hand. Due to its location, the black and red nail really stands out in the middle of a pale white hand.
Foreground and Background What is the foreground and the background of this ad?
I think the arm is the foreground because it is bright and the viewers eyes notice it first. The background is the wooden surface in which the hand is nailed to. The viewer wouldn’t understand this part until viewing foreground first.
What is the emotional appeal of this ad?
The ad makes the viewer feel saddened by the gruesome comparison (and visual) to Jesus Christ (this is also an allusion).
Can you still interpret the meaning of the ad without the top and bottom lines?
I’d say I probably could for the most part if I thought about it long enough. But the omission of those lines overall disrupts the viewers ease of interpretation.
What is the assertion this ad makes?
The add claims that abortion is immoral and an abomination. The ad asserts that all abortions are based on intentional sinful acts and does not suggest any light side to abortion (which I believe is biased).
What is the logical appeal of this ad?
A Christian (or anyone who is familiar with the story of Jesus Christ) would find the picture logical because it makes an obvious comparison between his death and the death of aborted fetuses.
How does the illustrators use of color contribute to the effectiveness of the ad?
I think the dark background gives it a grim appearance, which is what the artist intended to do. The bright infant hand represents purity, which is used to contrast the darker surroundings.
Who is the intended audience? Which audience might disagree with the ad?
The intended audience is the pro- life Christian community. The people who would disagree with the ad are the pro- choice believers because they would find it biased and view it as an offensive assertion to women who had abortions without intentional sinful behavior.
Ethos What gives the ad credibility?
It comes from a counseling service, so it can be assumed that they have had experience counseling people who have had or contemplated abortion.
Works Cited Jsbrocka. “Lamb of God.” Advertisement. WebMediaBrands Inc, 30 Oct Web. 31 October 2011.