Post-war reconstruction of Ukraine Four years of war had a harmful effect on the Ukrainian economy; But in 1950 Ukraine again became one from the leading industrial countries in Europe; The life level of people improved very slowly; The reform of 1947 devaluated carbovanets; The position was complicated by catastrophic drought and starvation of 1946;
The peasants were deprived the land and inventory, obtained during the war; The government did not manage to reach so quick growing of agricultural production as it was planned; The officials in the far Moscow continued to decide, what cultures should cultivate collective farms, how to sow them;
Destalinization After the death of the dictator Stalin in 1953 new government of the country tried to receive wider support among the nonrussian nations and especially among Ukrainians; Intelligentsia, students, workers and even partial officials – all repeated that the special status of the Russian language in the USSR did not mean, than the Ukrainian language should be discriminated; Many million of Ukrainians jailed in the Siberian camps of forced labor, received amnesty and the permission to come back home;
This partly liquidation of gigantic system of concentration camp was precipitated by the row of camp revolts, where the leading role plaid members of Organization of Ukrainian nationalists and Ukrainian revolt army; In Ukraine began to appear materialistic and egocentric “Me”- generation (already formed in the West), very differed from the previous, that gave birth of so violent communists and nationalists.
Intelligentsia In Ukraine grew the quantity of specialists with higher education; The cultural elite wrote about losses, caused by the soviet regime of Stalin to Ukrainian culture; Censorship continued strictly regulation of all, that were allowed to read, to see and to hear; Communist party retained absolute monopoly on the politic power
Dissident movement At the beginning the heart of Ukrainian dissidents consisted of so-called “men of the sixtieth” – new productive generation of writers, who got the acknowledgement. It was Lina Kostenko, Vasyl Symonenko, Ivan Drach, Vasyl Stus; Distinctive feature of this group was that its members were exemplary products of the soviet education and quickly made promising career;
The first demonstration of this movement took place at the end 1950th – the beginning of 1960th, when in the Western Ukraine it was organized several small secret groups. They called to execution of the legal right of Ukraine on going out of the Soviet Union. After disclosure of these groups their participants were sentenced to the long period imprisonment.
Social and economic development in 60-80th years In five-year plan, in Ukraine real income per man increased by 15 %. Putting in order the automate machines and equipment lines promoted intensive development of hard industry, building, transport field, agriculture and power industry, Actively developed airplane building and motor-car industry. Ukraine became food donor for all the USSR.
Implementation of compulsory general secondary education, enlargement of the system of secondary-special and higher educational institutions in Ukraine. The field of functioning of the Ukrainian language greatly narrowed. Between 1969 and 1980 the share of magazines, issued in Ukrainian, decreased from 46 % to 19 %. Repertory of cinemas was Russian in 99 %.
Chernobyl On 26th of April 1986 Ukraine was shocked by the global catastrophe: exploded reactor of Chernobyl nuclear power plant, situated 130 kilometers from Kyiv. The huge radioactive cloud covered outskirts of Chernobyl, and later spread to the lands of Belorussia, Poland and Scandinavia