Feedback from the 1 st workshop Overview Quick recap on the workshop Questions on the Scottish MPA Project What new data did we find out about? Progress.


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Presentation transcript:

Feedback from the 1 st workshop Overview Quick recap on the workshop Questions on the Scottish MPA Project What new data did we find out about? Progress on the geodatabase Next steps

Feedback from the 1 st workshop What did we cover? What we know already What the key gaps were What was being done to fill those gaps Focus of discussions on the geodatabase

What do we know already? Physical data Habitat & species data Collectively we know quite a lot ….

What do we know already?

Areas of greatest interest from a Geodiversity perspective

What do we know already? Scottish MPA search feature & Priority Marine Feature maps Atlantic white-sided dolphin Fan mussel Atrina fragilisOffshore deep sea muds Norway pout Trisopterus esmarkii © Crown Copyright - Defra - MB0102. © SNH. © JNCC. © MSS. © BGS. UK Limits provided by UKHO Law of the Sea Division. All rights reserved. Ordnance Survey Licence number SNH

What do we know already? …already being used for other purposes e.g. State of Scotland’s Seas TIDE-SWEPT ALGAL COMMUNITIES OFFSHORE DEEP SEA MUD MINKE WHALE

Questions on the Scottish MPA Project Some examples grouped by issue  Relationship with work on MSFD and WFD including links to Good Environmental Status  Development of management measures incl. MCOs  Relationship between historic, biodiversity and geodiversity interests  Data quality standards and peer review  Relationship with academic institutes including NERC  Make-up of the network

What new data did we find out about? Marine Scotland Science data on sandeels and cod. Added 2010 survey data from Canna and Ullapool. Added data from recent project to get biodiversity data from range of surveys e.g. MSS renewables cruises. Replaced existing modelled data on offshore deep sea mud and offshore sands and gravels with new data from UKSeaMap Highlights from what’s been added…

What new data did we find out about? A coral database records of coral gardens, seamount and carbonate mound communities. Presence of carbonate mounds in the Faroe-Shetland Channel – working with BGS to make data available in the next few weeks. Work by University Marine Biological Station Millport to collate historic biodiversity records and make available. Additional records of blue mussel and seagrass beds. Refined deep sea sponge communities definition. And what’s still to come…

Progress on the geodatabase Without getting too technical Revised structure to make it easier to add new records and to understand who owns the data, where it came from etc. e.g. unique identifiers, new status, copyright and source fields. Grouped features together e.g. burrowed mud communities with fireworks anemone and tall sea pen. Continued to remove duplicates. Finalised data standards.

Next steps Improving the data Aware of new data sets and publications coming up e.g. paper on coral gardens later in The geodatabase Ongoing work to incorporate new data as and when it becomes available. Putting agreements in place with data owners to enable data to be shared with others. Feed into Interactive Marine Planning to make available on the web.

- Scottish waters - Territorial waters - Offshore waters