SULFATE IN HONG KONG R. Kwok, J. Fung, A. Lau Hong Kong University of Science & Technology J.S. Fu University of Tennessee at Knoxville Z. Wang and G. Tonnesen U C Riverside October 2008 Thu, 30 Oct 2003 Chung: RSP 113 mg/m 3 FSP 83 mg/m 3 Fri, 31 Oct 2003 Chung: RSP 129 mg/m 3 FSP 98 mg/m 3 Sat, 01 Nov 2003 Chung: RSP 190 mg/m 3 FSP 148 mg/m 3 Sun, 02 Nov 2003 Chung: RSP 342 mg/m 3 FSP 295 mg/m 3
Pearl River Delta(PRD) Hong Kong
Monthly number of days with ( Visibility reporting < 8km & RH < 80% ) Visibility Report (11/1976 – 6/2004) Year Days / month
Visibility impairment associates with particulate matter (PM) level Sulfate takes up 30% of total PM concentration Total PM10: 43.9 ug/m3
Questions How much Hong Kong SO2, SO4 and EC are contributed from Hong Kong, PRD and beyond? What are the major source types affecting Hong Kong SO2, SO4 and EC levels? Where from? How do the pollutant levels vary from season to season?
Nested Domains D1 to D4 (from 40.5km to 1.5km)
Meteorological model (MM5 v3.6) Physics Module Long Wave Radiation option: RRTM scheme Moisture option: Simple ice scheme Surface Layer option: Monin-Obukhov scheme Land Surface option: Noah land-surface model Planetary boundary layer option: MRF scheme Cumulus option: Grell scheme
Comparison between MM5 and observation
HK prevailing background wind directions 2004 July JanuaryApril October
CMAQ 4.6 options yamo advection eddy vertical diffusion CBIV mechanism AE4 aerosol module Aqueous chemistry
Obs-sim comparison January, April, July, October 2004
Yuen Long, hourly observations No observations SULFATE July JanuaryApril October
Yuen Long, hourly observations April October SO2 July January
July JanuaryApril October Yuen Long, six-daily sampled meas. OC EC OC EC OC EC OC EC
A Way of Looking at Sulfate in Hong Kong Tagged Species Source Apportionment (TSSA) Developed by UC Riverside Modified CMAQ 4.5 with yamo and AE3
Tag species of interest in every region and every emission type. Each grid cell records species concentrations from each tag. SrcB, Region3 Tagged Species Source Apportionment SO2 SrcA, Region1 SO2 SrcA from Region1 SrcB from Region3 SrcC from Region1 (I,J) (I,J+1)(I,J-1)
Species to tag: SO2, SO4, EC Require to split (a)Emission categories (b)Emission regions
5 Emission Categories Point Source (Mostly Power Plants) PT OFMarine Source (Local Ferry, Riverboat, Ocean-going ships) OF Industrial Source AR MVOn-road Moving Vehicular Source MV Other Anthropogenic/Biogenic Source FW
SO2 Emis Others Marine Point Indust. On-road
Apart from Emission Categories.... Also Need to Tag Non-emission contributors..... Boundary Initial and Boundary Conditions
14 Emission Regions 1 2
HK SO2 in Hong Kong BCON
Power Plants SO2 Power Plants
Marine Sources SO2 Marine Sources
Sulfate in Hong Kong HK BCON
Power Plants Sulfate Power Plants
Marine Sources Sulfate Marine Sources
EC in Hong Kong HK BCON
Mobile Sources EC Mobile Sources
Summary – HK SO2 Hong Kong SO2 (Ranking of emission type) WINTERSPRING SUMME R AUTUMN 1st Super- regional ? 60% Marine 36% Marine 44% Super- regional ? 64% 2nd Point 13% Point 24% Point 28% Marine 13% 3rd Marine 10% BCON 21% BCON 5% Point 5% Point sources from Hong Kong and Shenzhen Marine sources from HK, PRD waters, Shenzhen
Summary – HK Sulfate Hong Kong Sulfate (Ranking of source type) WINTERSPRINGSUMMERAUTUMN 1st Super- regional ? 72% Super- regional ? 40% Marine 53% Super- regional ? 74% 2nd Marine 9% Marine 35% Point 17% Marine 10% 3rd Point 6% Point 12% BCON 8% Point 3% Point sources from Hong Kong and Shenzhen Marine sources from HK, PRD waters, Shenzhen
Summary – HK Elemental Carbon Hong Kong Elemental Carbon WINTERSPRINGSUMMERAUTUMN 1st Super- regional ? 70% Vehicle 46% Vehicle 68% Super- regional ? 69% 2nd Vehicle 22% BCON 36% BCON 7% Vehicle 24% Vehicle sources from Hong Kong and Shenzhen
Apply TSSA to a bigger grid covering Guangdong Find out the extent of super-regional effects Decide emission control strategy based on TSSA results Further Work
ACKNOWLEDGMENT University Grant Committee of Hong Kong RTG08/09.SC001 University Grant Committee of Hong Kong RGC612807