TODAY’S TOPIC: Social Research: Concepts, Types & Steps
RESEARCH Research is a systematic investigation into a problem Seeking through methodical processes Asking questions purposefully and systematically
Limited to particular agenda Solve problems and expand knowledge Share findings with the stakeholders
What is Social Research: P.V. Young, Scientific Survey And Social Research (1994:30) Social Research may be defined as a scientific understanding, which by means by logical and Systematic techniques aims to
1) Discover new facts or verify and test old facts 2) Analyze their sequences, interrelationship, causal explanation which an appropriate concept and theoretical frame of reference.
3) Develop New scientific tools, concepts and theories which would facilitate reliable and valid study of human behaviour.
Encyclopedia of Social Research : (Devi, 1997:104) Social Research deals with the social phenomena. It studies behaviour of human beings as member of society, and feeling responses, attitudes under circumstance.
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Types of Research Quantitative research This research studies the relationship of one set of facts or variables with another. It can be simple like describing the situation or complex like determining the relationship. Qualitative research This study is more concerned with the understanding of individual’s perceptions of the world. It seeks insight rather than statistical analysis
Ethnographic research It studies the behaviour pattern of a group of people and analyze their inner meanings. Action research It is desined to deal with a concrete problem located in an immediate situation. Survey research This is an investigation based on sampled interviews, observations or options.
STEPS OF SOCIAL RESEARCH 1. Identification and selection of research problem 2. Review of the literature 3. Formulation of the exact problem to be studied statement of the problem
4. devlopment appropriate objectives of the study 5. devlopment appropriate hypothesis of the study 6. Identification of relevant variable 7. Identification of data collection field/sampling area
8. Construction of data gathering instrument and design of table 9. Pre-test of the instrument and possible modification 10. Data collection 11. Data processing and analysis 12. Interpretation of the result and reporting.