JOHN DALTON’S CREATION Chemistry 1 st Block Tydarrius Morris, Kennedi Bryant, Camry Sturdivant.
DALTON’S BIOGRAPHY John Dalton was born on September 6 th, 1766 in Eaglesfield, England. His family were weavers, who owned a small part of land. Both of his parents were quakers ( a christain movement which professes the priesthood of all believers, a doctrine it derives from 1 Peter 2:9 ). John Dalton was an intelligent child. He attended a village school until he was 11, and then began helping as a teacher. At 15, he started helping his older brother run a quaker boarding school in the town of Kendal. All the while he was also gaining more and more knowledge for himself studying science, mathematics, Latin, Greek, and French. By 19 he had become the school’s principal. In 1793 age 26, Dalton took the position of a teacher of mathematics and natural philosophy at Manchester’s New College. Then he started to write his first scientific paper called “ Extra Ordinary Facts Relating to the Vision of Colours”. Dalton soon proposed a theory of color blindness. Ut his theory was wrong. Since he was the first to research it. The condition became known as Daltonism.
IDEAS BEFORE DALTON Before Dalton was the greek philosopher Democritus. He was among the first to suggest the existence of atoms. He believed atoms were indivisible and indestructible. Allthough they agreed with the scientific theory, they didn’t explain chemical behavior. They also lacked experimental support. The real nature of atoms and the connection between observable changes and events at the atomic level were not established for more than 2000 years after Democritus. The modern process of discovery regarding atoms began with Dalton.
DALTONS EXPERIMENT By using experimental methods, Dalton transformed Democitus ideas on atoms into a scientific theory. He also studied ratios in which elements combine in chemical reactions. He formulated hypotheses and theories to explain it. This below became known as “ Dalton’s Atomic Theory, “ 1.All matter is composed of small particles called atoms. 2. Atoms of a given element are identical in size, mass, and other properties; atoms of different elements differ in size, mass, and other properties. 3.Atoms cannot be sub-divided, created or destroyed. 4.Atoms of different elements combine in simple whole number ratios to form a chemical compounds. 5.In chemical reactions atoms are combined separated or rearranged.