Students in grades Kindergarten through twelfth Classroom teacher, reading specialist, interventionist Can be administered individually, some assessments can be whole group Some assessments in Spanish
Used to assist the teacher in targeting strengths and weaknesses Used to monitor student reading development Most often used to identify why a student is not being successful in reading (beginning reading skills, fluency or comprehension) Used to plan appropriate instruction
Administered individually Measures a research-based reading skill Quick, reliable, easy to use Provides clear and accurate individual student information Some are curriculum based Specific skills, some broader screening 4 broad type: Screening, progress monitoring, diagnostic, outcome assessments
Phonemic awareness: the ability to focus on and manipulate individual sounds in spoken words Phonics: the ability to match sounds to letters and use this knowledge in reading and spelling (also know as the alphabetic principle) Fluency reading text: the ability to read connected text with speed, accuracy, and proper expression Vocabulary: the ability to understand and use words Comprehension: the ability to get meaning from text
What? Why? How? When? What it means? What’s next?
Phoneme Deletion Test (p. 24) (initial, final, first sound of a consonant blend, embedded sound of a consonant blend) Phonological Segmentation Test ( p.29) (sentences, syllables, phonemes) Phoneme Segmentation Test
Core Phonics Survey (p ) Alphabet, consonant sounds, vowel sounds, short vowels in cvc, consonant blends with short vowels, short vowels, diagraphs and – tch, r-controlled, long vowels, variant vowels, low frequency vowels and consonants, multisyllabic - High-frequency word survey -San Diego Quick Assessment of Reading Ability
Grades 2 – 6 3 passages for each grade level
Vocabulary screening (1-8) measures how well students know the meaning of grade-level words they read silently Read a word and choose which word from three word choices means the same No use of context, just pure word meaning Group or individually
Grades 2-10 Individual or group 3 minutes First sentence complete, every other sentence has 7 th word as a multiple choice to complete the meaning, using context clues
Teaching Reading Sourcebook What to teach? Why to teach it? When to teach? When to Assess and intervene? How? - teach/model, guided practice