Ethics Training in the European Commission
Background Ethics always been important Reputation and credibility Public focus Important for stakeholders, staff and society Good Governance/leadership/management Commission benchmark with other EU, MS, USA & Canada Learning and Development
Communication on Ethics Refresh awareness Provide better guidance on professional ethics in the organisation Develop and promote an ethical culture Support responsibility Learning and Development
Communication on Ethics Rules Respect Responsibility Learning and Development
Statement of Principles Upholding public interest and accountability Serving with independence, impartiality, objectivity and loyalty Safeguarding public assets and information Behaving professionally Learning and Development
Ethics Training All newcomers Mandatory for managers Specific professional groups (OLAF, Procurement) Central and local delivery Learning and Development
Challenges in Commission delivery Multicultural, Multinational, Multilingual Age differences Cultural differences in values and behaviours Learning and Development
Clear support from the top of the organisation Vice-President support Communication on Ethics Ethics Action Plan Statement of Principles Learning and Development
Engaging methodologies Case studies on common work issues Opportunities to discuss, debate, react and “vent” Workshops for managers E-learning Theatre Learning and Development
Concerted approach – ongoing communication Articles, posters Ethics Website Ethics Day Ethics Correspondents Manager`s Checklist Lunchtime conferences Learning and Development
Delivery by Internal Staff Know the organisation Know the issues and culture Understand the sensitivities Learning and Development
Delivery at local level Involving managers in design Concentrating on specific local concerns Led by senior mgt/HR staff Message to all local HR re Ethics content in local courses Learning and Development
Cascade process Managers trained to brief own teams Discussion of specific issues with all units Encourage local awareness Learning and Development
Focus on awareness and ownership Rather than compliance Discussion on case studies Listening to staff concerns Encouragement to raise own issues 14
Future projects… Ethics for professions Ethical Leadership Ethics and Integrity Benchmark Tool Learning and Development