Thursday, July 30th Day 1 Science Starters Sheet 1. Please have these Items on your desk. AR Book Agenda Your science starter today is two vocabulary words and their definitions. Science Comp- Book 2 Index cards
Hmmmm... Wonder what this word means? Number your science starter sheet like this: 1. Scientific Method 2. Procedure
Scientific Method: Step by step procedures of scientific problem solving, which can include identifying the problem, forming and testing a hypothesis, analyzing the test results, and drawing conclusions Write the word on one side of an index card. Write the definition and a simple picture about the word on the back side of the index card.
Definitions Procedure: The step-by-step instructions for conducting an investigation, includes what and how variables will be changed and measured. On an index card, write The word on one side. The definition on the other Side of the card. Draw a Simple picture to explain the Definition.
Table of Contents Update Page Date Activity/ Assignment 11/12 7/30 Scientific Method Notes
Scientific Method A blueprint for experiment success.
What is the scientific method? It is a simple method scientists use to conduct an investigation. It is a way to ask & answer scientific questions by asking questions & conducting experiments.
I. Question/Problem Ask a question about something observed. –Why? –How? –What? Question to be solved. –Must be about something measurable.
II. Hypothesis Educated guess about how things work. Prediction Use If, then statements –If ____ [I do this], then _____ [this will happen],because _____. Focus on one variable only.
Materials What are materials? –Any supplies you need to conduct an experiment
Procedures What are procedures? –Are a list of steps that scientists must use to conduct an experiment.
Experimental Design Experimental Design- is the design of any information- gathering exercises where variation is present, whether under the full control of the experimenter or not.
III. Experiment-Gathering the data Tests your hypothesis. Is it accepted (right) or rejected (wrong) ? Change only one variable at a time. Use a control or control group ( A group that has nothing done to it. Standard used for comparison in an experiment.) In order for results to be valid, conduct several tests.
Data Collection Data collection- is process of collecting data and recording it to later analyze
Analyzing What does analyzing mean? –This is when you look over data that you have recorded and try and come up with answers from those numbers or observations.
IV. Conclusion Summary of your experiment. After your experiment, analyze your data to see if your hypothesis was accepted or rejected(refuted). If hypothesis is rejected, g ive possible reasons for the difference between your hypothesis and the experimental results.