SCIENTIFIC REVOLUTION The scientific revolution was the emergence of modern science during the early modern period, when developments in mathematics, physics, astronomy, biology (including human anatomy) and chemistry transformed views of society and nature
NICOLAUS COPERNICUS German German Said the Sun was at the center of the universe, not the Earth Said the Sun was at the center of the universe, not the Earth Heliocentric theory Heliocentric theory
GALILEO GALILEI Italian Improved the telescope Supported Copernicus’ heliocentric theory, pushing away from the geocentric theory that was big at the time
JOHANNES KEPLER German German Astronomer who discovered three major laws of planetary motion Astronomer who discovered three major laws of planetary motion the planets move in elliptical orbits with the Sun at one focusplanetsSun the time necessary to traverse any arc of a planetary orbit is proportional to the area of the sector between the central body and that arc orbit there is an exact relationship between the squares of the planets’ periodic times and the cubes of the radii of their orbits
ISAAC NEWTON English One of two mathematicians to come up with calculus Gravity
PHILOSOPHY IN THE AGE OF REASON Europeans begin to think that nothing is out of reach for human discovery. Europeans begin to think that nothing is out of reach for human discovery. Advances in physics, chemistry and medicine Advances in physics, chemistry and medicine People feel that reason could be applied to discover the natural laws, the laws that govern human nature. People feel that reason could be applied to discover the natural laws, the laws that govern human nature. Reason, not faith, could be used to solve all problems. Reason, not faith, could be used to solve all problems.
THE ALLURE OF THE SALON As Louix XIV was getting closer to death, the “who’s who” looked for someplace “less stuffy” to gather and enjoy themselves. As Louix XIV was getting closer to death, the “who’s who” looked for someplace “less stuffy” to gather and enjoy themselves. French philosophes would share their thoughts. French philosophes would share their thoughts. Though women did not express their own views, the saloniere could influence the topic Though women did not express their own views, the saloniere could influence the topic Madame Geoffrin regularly corresponded with the King of Sweden and Catherine the Great of Russia. Madame Geoffrin regularly corresponded with the King of Sweden and Catherine the Great of Russia. Madame d’Etioles (the future Marquise de Pompadour, mistress to King Louis XV) was invited to the Wednesday night dinners. Madame d’Etioles (the future Marquise de Pompadour, mistress to King Louis XV) was invited to the Wednesday night dinners.
TWO VIEWS OF THE SOCIAL CONTRACT State of Nature: Thomas Hobbes Wrote Leviathan In the state of nature, people are naturally greedy, cruel and selfish Social Contracts invented to escape that “brutish” life. People give up state of nature for organized society. Natural rights: John Locke Wrote Two Treatises on Government People have natural rights from birth Governments created by people to protect those rights. Influence seen later in Declaration of Independence
MONTESQUIEU’S “SPIRIT OF THE LAWS” Baron de Montesquieu Baron de Montesquieu Studied governments all over Europe and also Chinese and Native American Cultures Studied governments all over Europe and also Chinese and Native American Cultures 1748 – “The Spirit of the Laws” discusses governments and praises three branch system 1748 – “The Spirit of the Laws” discusses governments and praises three branch system Many ideas would be used in Constitution of the United States Many ideas would be used in Constitution of the United States
THE LOVERS OF WISDOM Originally named Francois-Mare Arouet Originally named Francois-Mare Arouet Used sharp wit to criticize abuse by corrupt officials, aristocrats, and clergy. Used sharp wit to criticize abuse by corrupt officials, aristocrats, and clergy. Imprisoned and exiled, he continued to fight for free speech. Imprisoned and exiled, he continued to fight for free speech. I do not agree with a word you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it I do not agree with a word you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it Voltaire
JEAN JACQUES ROUSSEAU Wrote The Social Contracts Wrote The Social Contracts Believed that people in their natural state were basically good Believed that people in their natural state were basically good Promoted the general will, the will of the majority, which should always work toward the common good. Promoted the general will, the will of the majority, which should always work toward the common good. Individual should be subordinate to the community Individual should be subordinate to the community
ADAM SMITH AND LAISSEZ FAIRE One of the most famous economists in history One of the most famous economists in history Wrote The Wealth of Nations and emphasized the law of supply and demand Wrote The Wealth of Nations and emphasized the law of supply and demand Laissez Faire: economies would be guided by an unseen hand and need little or no government interference. Laissez Faire: economies would be guided by an unseen hand and need little or no government interference. Ideas became popular during industrial revolution. Ideas became popular during industrial revolution.
MARY WOLLSTONECRAFT According to male Enlightenment thinkers, women had limited natural rights According to male Enlightenment thinkers, women had limited natural rights In A Vindication of the Rights of Women, Mary Wollstonecraft in England proposed that, though women’s first duty was motherhood, they were not dependent on men. In A Vindication of the Rights of Women, Mary Wollstonecraft in England proposed that, though women’s first duty was motherhood, they were not dependent on men. Girls should receive same education as boys so that they could be on same playing field. Girls should receive same education as boys so that they could be on same playing field.
ABSOLUTISM VS. DESPOTISM Absolutism is an unchallenged rule by a single monarch Absolutism is an unchallenged rule by a single monarch Despotism implies iron-fisted rule with general resentment from the populace Despotism implies iron-fisted rule with general resentment from the populace Absolute rulers are despots only if they have alienated their populace; a people that believed their ruler was divinely chosen would not necessarily consider their monarch a despot. Absolute rulers are despots only if they have alienated their populace; a people that believed their ruler was divinely chosen would not necessarily consider their monarch a despot.